Stuff - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1


QStart off slowly
You might like the idea of
going from full couch-spud
status to running a marathon
this summer, but that’s
a good way to do yourself
in, perhaps even causing
long-term damage. So start
small, and gradually build up
your routine as your body
becomes used to the changes
you’re inflicting on it.

QExercise regularly-ish
Your Apple Watch will scream
at you daily, as will other
hardware and apps. Nuts
to them. You do need to get
into a routine with exercise
if it’s to stick, but rest days
are important for recovery.
Do what works for you, and
balance out activity evenly
across a week or month,
tracking it as appropriate.



QEscape the undead
Feel like the only way you’d
get a sprint on is under threat
of being torn limb from limb?
Then download Zombies, Run!,
which more or less combines
Runkeeper with The Walking
Dead, having you quite literally
‘run’ missions of survival.

QGrab some territory
Assuming you can get a bunch
of like-minded locals on board,
Run An Empire can transform
your neighbourhood into an
intense battle for territory.
You grab land by walking
or running loops, in what
amounts to real-world Risk
with added physical exertion.

Feeling creaky? Regretting eating those extra 57 mince pies

during the festive break? Craig Grannell invites you to kick
off 2020 by getting fitter with the help of your phone...

QUse the great indoors
You might like fresh air, but the
outdoors might not like you
when paths become ice rinks
and clouds make you regret
not having access to an
umbrella – or a canoe. Where
possible, think of activities you
could do in your own home
during the winter. Plenty of
apps offer routines that don’t
require equipment, just some
space and willpower.

QInvest wisely
Don’t head out on day one
and buy all of the kit, or a
home gym that would make
your town’s actual gym
envious. Instead, splash out
on the things you really need:
decent shoes, headphones if
you’re planning on exercising
to music or apps, perhaps a
wearable – but that doesn’t
necessarily mean one that’s
right at the cutting edge.

QGet protection
Running or biking in the dark?
Make yourself visible. Riding
a bike anywhere at all? Wear
a helmet. Doing any kind of
strenuous exercise? Warm up
and warm down. Do stretches.
And yes, Stuff is not your
mum, but you’ll regret not
taking such easily forgotten
precautions should something
go ‘sproing’ or you end up
bouncing off of a bonnet
during an evening jog.


You can run...
Need reminders to
get moving? Stick your
exercise apps on your
home screen, in the dock
or as widgets to make
them as in-your-face
as possible.

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