Stuff - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1


QGo on a winning Streak
Streaks Workout reckons you
shouldn’t need any kit beyond
a wall and floor – and even
the former is optional, since
this app lets you deselect
exercises you don’t fancy.
Note: its long routine is named
‘Extreme’ for a reason.

QTry 321Fit
Streaks is Apple-only; 321Fit
is your best bet on Android.
Its canned workouts assume
you have weights, but you
can create your own exercise
‘playlists’ instead, which run
with little Teletext-style
figures detailing what you
should be doing.

Annoyingly, Runkeeper
recently dumped its
pace-match Spotify
system for matching
songs to your running
speed. But you can still
connect the two apps
and select from playlists
with defined BPMs,
rather than having to
compile your own.
£9.99/m / Android, iOS

Although it’s buried
in the settings, Story
Running remains
part of the Runtastic
experience. When
setting up a run, tap the
music icon, select Story
Running, and choose
from a range of tales to
keep your mind occupied
over half an hour or so.
£free / Android, iOS

Really this could be any
podcast app – the point
is that, while you’re
exercising your body,
you could be expanding
your mind by way of
podcasts like the BBC’s
Infinite Monkey Cage,
with sky-pointer Brian
Cox and wag Robin Ince.
£free / Android, iOS



QAdd new workouts
The Apple Watch uses motion
tracking to guess activities.
Often it gets things right;
but if you’re fussy about log
accuracy, you can kick off
sessions manually by scrolling
down in Workout, tapping Add
Workout and making your
selection from the list.

QCalibrate your watch
Not completing your exercise
ring? Then open the Workout
app, select Outdoor Walk or
Outdoor Run and do your
thing at normal pace for 20
minutes. Now your Apple
Watch will be more attuned
to your pace.

QSet recurring events
Never seem to have the time
to exercise? That’s because
you’re not making it. So use
your calendar app to schedule
recurring events that give you
the space you need. Even if
you scrap sessions, you’ll at
least do some of them.

QGet notifications
Notifications are annoying, but
that’s kind of the point: you’d
better let those apps bug
you when it’s time to work
up a sweat. And leave the
notifications loud so you
won’t miss them.

QTrack your progress
Trends are more important
than the day-to-day. Most
exercise apps log progress,
but you should also consider
a habit tracker app. This will
provide a focused indication
of how well exercise has been
infused into your routine.

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