Astronomy - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1


28 b












March is a month
of transition, here
on Earth as well as
in the night sky. As the Sun
moves northward along the
ecliptic, the days are getting
longer and the chill of win-
ter begins to abate.
As Orion marches
toward the western horizon
in pursuit of Taurus, his
attending small dog, Canis
Minor, lags behind. Canis
Minor is one of those con-
stellations that makes me
wonder how anyone could
imagine seeing the name-
sake figure among its stars.
After all, Canis Minor is drawn from only two: Procyon
[A lpha (α) Canis Minoris] and Gomeisa [Beta (β)
Canis Minoris]. A small dog from two stars? Maybe a
hot dog, but that’s the best I can do.
Nicknamed the Little Dog Star, Procyon ranks
eighth among the sky’s brightest. Its prominence is
primarily due to its location just 11.4 light-
years away. Through our binoculars, it gleams
pure white, a spectral class F5IV–V. That’s a
shorthand way of saying that Procyon is about
40 percent more massive and 10 percent hotter
than our Sun, and also that it is a star in transi-
tion. Procyon’s core is rapidly running out of
fusible hydrogen, causing it to leave the main
sequence and transition to the subgiant por-
tion of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
Procyon is also orbited by a white dwarf
known as Procyon B. There is no hope of see-
ing it through our binoculars. Even through
the largest amateur telescopes, Procyon B is
a difficult challenge.
At third magnitude, Gomeisa appears
much le s s i mpre s sive t ha n Proc yon. I f you a re
observing from a heavily light-polluted area, you might
need binoculars just to see it. But the Small Dog’s Beta
star would rank “alpha” if placed side by side with
Procyon; its diminutive appearance is due to being 15
times farther away. Gomeisa is classified as spectral type
B8V, a massive blue stellar inferno located to the far
upper left of the HR diagram’s main sequence. Like our
Sun, it is happily fusing hydrogen into helium in its core.
Maintaining its energy output, however, comes with a

cost: Gomeisa’s life span may be only 10 million years
versus our more judicious Sun’s projected 10 billion.
While the small dog leaves something to be desired
visually, its breed is clear. It’s a pointer. How do I know?
Because a line extending southeast from Gomeisa
through Procyon points to an underappreciated open
cluster, M 48. Follow the pointer for about 11°, or about
two binocular fields, and you’ll come to an equilateral
triangle formed by Zeta (ζ), 27, and 28 Monocerotis.
Look half a field south-southeast of Zeta to see a fuzzy
patch of light. That’s our target.
For nearly two centuries, M48 was considered “lost.”
History shows that Charles Messier discovered M48 on
February 19, 1771. After describing it in his log as a
“cluster of very [faint] stars, without nebulosity; this
cluster is at a short distance from the three stars that form
the beginning of the Unicorn’s tail [Zeta, 27, and 28
Monocerotis],” he noted its position and moved on. From
this, he later calculated its celestial coordinates — and
goofed. Messier mistakenly placed his discovery 5° north
of its actual location. Before it was officially found again,
it was independently discovered by others and awarded
the designation NGC 2548. The “Case of the Missing
Cluster” was finally cracked in 1959 by Theodore F.
Morris, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of
Canada, and confirmed a year later by Harvard
University astronomer Owen Gingerich. Morris noted
that NGC 2548 had the same right ascension as the
missing Messier object, but that its declination was off.
After examining records at Paris Observatory,
Gingerich confirmed this assertion, and M48
was “found.”
More than 80 stars populate M48, with
some studies including more than 320 stars
after factoring in outliers. Based on the types
of stars found within, astronomers estimate
M48’s age at 300 million years. Collectively,
they lie about 2,500 light-years away.
M48 is a splendid target for binoculars. The
cluster’s densest portion covers about half a
degree, but by including stragglers, the full
span nearly doubles in size. Several 8th- and
9th-magnitude cluster stars immediately shine
through the mist created by fainter suns. My
10 x 50 s re ve a l a c ent r a l i z ed k not of st a rs , wh i le
my 16x70s add short threads of fainter points.
Look carefully, and you might also notice that a couple
of those stars display hints of pale yellow or orange.
Do you have a favorite binocular object that you
would like to share with the rest of us? Contact me
through my website, Remember,
two eyes are better than one.

Canis Minor points to an array of unusual stars.

A month of change

Although it’s a small
constellation, Canis
Minor the Little Dog
contains interesting
stars, including its
brightest, Procyon.

Canis Minor is
one of those
that makes
me wonder
how anyone
could imagine
seeing the
figure among
its stars.

Phil is a longtime
contributor to
Astronomy and the
author of many books.

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