Astronomy - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1


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Doug Kaupa
Council Bluffs, Iowa


Photons don’t have mass, but
they do have momentum,

which is energy associated with motion.

If a photon strikes something, it can give

some of its momentum to the object it hits.

In the case of a solar sail, when light hits the

s a i l ’s ref lec t ive su r face , it bou nce s of f, t r a nsfer r i ng

some of the energy associated with its initial motion to

the sail. This force is called radiation pressure, and it

pushes the sail slightly in the direction the photon was

traveling before it bounced off.

Although the energy transferred by a single photon is

tiny, there is no friction in the vacuum of space. Each

time a photon strikes the solar sail, it gains slightly more

energy. The LightSail design is about 344 square feet

(32 square meters) in size, compared to its width of only

0.0002 inch (0.00051 centimeter). These dimensions

ensure the sail is both lightweight and has a large area to

allow many photons to hit it at once. The Planetary

Society calculated that its current LightSail mission,

LightSail 2, can capture enough momentum from sun-

light to accelerate about 0.0023 inch (0.0058 cm) per

second, each second. After a month, this acceleration

would boost the sail’s speed to nearly 341 mph (550 km/h).

Radiation pressure can affect interplanetary dust

and even small objects, such as asteroids, over time. But

r ad iat ion pre s su re a l so d i m i n i she s w it h d i st a nc e f rom

the Sun, so the farther an object is from our star, the

smaller the radiation pressure it feels, until this force

becomes negligible.
Alison Klesman
Associate Editor


Peter Haik
Berea, Kentucky


Yes, astronomers have seen sunspots — in this
case, called starspots — on other stars.
Sunspots appear as dark spots on the Sun because
they are areas where the temperature is cooler than the
surrounding gas. They’re regions where the Sun’s mag-
netic field extends outward from the surface, which
reduces the area’s temperature. Because this phenom-
enon is not limited to the Sun, it makes sense that such
spots would occur on other stars.
And, in fact, the Kepler Space Telescope, which was
designed to measure tiny changes in a star’s brightness
over time, often caught starspots during its mission.
Kepler watched stars to look for telltale dips in bright-
ness that occur when a planet crosses in front of the star
from the telescope’s viewpoint. But a large starspot can
cause a similar dip in brightness. A study published in
January 2019 in The Astrophysical Journal, led by
Kosu ke Na mek at a at Kyoto Un iversit y i n Japa n, ident i-
fied and tracked 56 starspots from a sample of more
than 5,000 Sun-like stars that Kepler obser ved.
Alternatively, astronomers have seen some starspots
directly. Beyond the Sun, this is only possible with nearby
or giant stars that are imaged using a technique called
interferometry. This technique combines images from
multiple telescopes to create a virtual telescope much
la rger t ha n it s i nd iv idu a l pa r t s. On ly about 2 0 st a rs have
be en i ma ged t h i s way, i nclud i ng A nt a re s , B etelgeu se , a nd
Regulus. In these images, darker starspots are often vis-
ible. Understanding the activity of starspots on other
stars ultimately helps astronomers better understand the
behavior and evolution of all stars.
Alison Klesman
Associate Editor

Solar sails, such as this NASA prototype, are thin and
lightweight, with a large, reflective surface. Although photons
have no mass, they carry momentum; when a photon bounces
off a solar sail, some of its momentum is transferred to the sail,
which pushes the sail forward. NASA/MSFC/D. HIGGINBOTHAM

In 2016, astronomers
combined light from
six telescopes to
image the star Zeta (ζ)
Andromedae. Several
dark starspots are
visible on its surface at
midlatitudes, as well as
one at the pole. Based
on Zeta Andromedae’s
radius, which is 15
times larger than the
Sun’s, the spots nearer
the equator are about
the size of our star.

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