Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

survey of American homeowners : “2002 Cost vs. Value Report,”
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completion times : Brent Flyvbjerg, “From Nobel Prize to Project
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sunk-cost fallacy : Hal R. Arkes and Catherine Blumer, “The Psychology of
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24: The Engine of Capitalism

you already feel fortunate : Miriam A. Mosing et al., “Genetic and
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bright side of everything : Elaine Fox, Anna Ridgewell, and Chris Ashwin,
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more sanguine than midlevel managers : Lowell W. Busenitz and Jay B.
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admiration of others : Entrepreneurs who have failed are sustained in their
confidence by the probably mistaken belief that they have learned a great
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influence on the lives of others : Keith M. Hmieleski and Robert A. Baron,
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