Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

Bayes, Thomas
Bayesian statistics
Bazerman, Max
Beane, Billy
Beatty, Jackson
Becker, Gary
“Becoming Famous Overnight” (Jacoby)
behavioral economics
Behavioral Insight Team
“Belief in the Law of Small Numbers” (Tversky and Kahneman)
beliefs: bias for; past, reconstruction of
Benartzi, Shlomo
Bentham, Jeremy
Berlin, Isaiah
Bernoulli, Daniel
Bernouilli, Nicholas
Beyth, Ruth
bicycle messengers
Black Swan, The (Taleb)
Blink (Gladwell)
Borg, Björn
Borgida, Eugene
“Boys Will Be Boys” (Barber and Odean)
Bradlee, Ben
brain; amygdala in; anterior cingulate in; buying and
selling and; emotional framing and; frontal area of;
pleasure and; prefrontal area of; punishment and; sugar
in; threats and; and variations of probabilities
British Toxicology Society
broad framing
Brockman, John
broken-leg rule
budget forecasts
Built to Last (Collins and Porras)
Bush, George W.
business and leadership practices; at Google
business pundits

Cabanac, Michel
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