Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

Harvard University
health: disease threats and; well-being and; risks and;
see also medicine
health survey problem
health violation penalties
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Hedgehog and the Fox, The” (Berlin)
Heider, Fritz
helping experiment
Hertwig, Ralph
Hess, Eckhard
heuristic, definition of
high school curriculum team
hindsight: bias in; regret and
historical events
hitchhiker question
Hitler, Adolf
Hogarth, Robin
honesty box
“How Mental Systems Believe” (Gilbert)
How to Solve It (Pólya)
Hsee, Christopher
hubris hypothesis
Humans and Econs
Hume, David
hypotheses, testing

ideomotor effect
illusions: cognitive, see cognitive illusions; Müller-Lyer; 3 - D
imaginability, immediate gratification
independent judgments
indifference map
injection puzzle
In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman)
inside view

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