Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

remembering self
Remote Association Test (RAT)
reorganizations in companies
representativeness; base rates and; see also base rates; in
Linda problem; predicting by; professional stereotypes and; sins
of; in Tom W problem
research: artifacts in; hypothesis testing in; optimism in
resemblance; in predictions
retrievability of instances
reversals; unjust
rewards; self-administered
Rice, Condoleezza
risk assessment; aggregation and; broad framing in; decision
weights in, see decision weights; denominator neglect and; by
experts; and format of risk expression; fourfold pattern in; for
health risks; hindsight bias and; laws and regulations governing;
loss aversion in; narrow framing in; optimistic bias and; policies
for; possibility effect and; precautionary principle and; probability
neglect and; public policies and; small risks and; of technologies;
terrorism and; see also gambles
risk aversion
risk seeking
“Robust Beauty of Improper Linear Models in Decision Making,
The” (Dawes)
Rosett, Richard
Rosenzweig, Philip
Royal Dutch Shell
Royal Institution
Rozin, Paul
< Philip
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russell Sage Foundation

Saddam Hussein
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