Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

social science
Soll, Jack
somatic marker hypothesis
Sources of Power (Klein)
Soviet Union
Spinoza, Baruch
Sports Illustrated
Stalin, Joseph
Standard & Poor’s (S&P)
Stanford University
Stanovich, Keith
statistics and statistical thinking; and accidents of sampling; base
rates and, see base rates; Bayesian; and bias of confidence over
doubt; causes and; chance in; deciding on size of sample;
extreme outcomes and; faith in small samples; law of large
numbers; law of small numbers; sample size decisions and; see
status quo, defending
Steiger, James H.
stereotypes; causal; about professions
Steve the librarian
stock market
stock picking
stock portfolios
stock trading, insider
Stone, Arthur
stories, life
St. Petersburg paradox
Strack, Fritz
strangers, assessment of
Strangers to Ourselves (Wilson)
Streep, Meryl
strength, assessments of
structured settlements
Stumbling to Happiness (Gilbert)
substitution; and mood heuristic for happiness; and 3 - D heuristic
success, uot
sum-like variables
sunk-cost fallacy

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