Thinking, Fast and Slow

(Axel Boer) #1

Weber, Ernste>
weight and piano playing, measuring
Weiner, Howard
well-being; climate and; defining; disposition for; duration
weighting and; see also happiness
West, Richard
what you see is all there is (WYSIATI); confidence and; curriculum
team and; Julie problem and; optimistic bias and; premortem
and; professorial candidate problem and; soldiers’ performance
and; Tom W problem and
wheel of fortune
“wicked” environments
Wilson, Timothy
Wimbledon tournament
Winter Olympics
Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki)
witnesses’ evidence
Woods, Tiger
words: complex vs. simple; emotionally-loaded
World Cup
World War II
WYSIATI, see what you see is all there is

Xu, Jing

Yale exam problem
Yom Kippur War

Zajonc, Robert
Zamir, Eyal
Zeller, Kathryn
Zweig, Jason
Zwerling, Harris

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