The Economist - USA (2019-12-21)

(Antfer) #1

40 United States The EconomistDecember 21st 2019

2 five. If we were tracking someone, you
could smell them before you saw them.”
In cities, says Mr Baca, “we have sec-
onds to minutes...People can just blend in
once they reach the city.” Of course, no bar-
rier is completely impenetrable. Smugglers
have reportedly sawn through Mr Trump’s
wall. But slicing through a chain-link fence
is quick and easy; cutting through con-
crete-filled steel bollards takes energy,
probably multiple motorised saw blades
and most importantly for the border patrol,
a long time. Gloria Chavez, the acting chief
of cbp’s El Paso Sector, which includes all of
New Mexico’s largely rural frontier, argues
that “There’s a misconception that the wall
was built to stop the flow. It was built to
manage the flow. It’s a tool.”
What comes next for the wall builders?
The next completely new sections will be
in south-eastern Texas, and progress there
might be difficult. Much of America’s bor-
der lands are public, but in Texas, land is
mostly privately owned. The government
will have to buy it from landowners, which
can be a tricky process.
A cbpofficial points out that records in
south Texas are spotty, and ownership of
many parcels unclear. During the last big
wall-building fit in 2008, the official said
they found one parcel in South Texas with
86 possible claimants (“we’ve introduced
cousins to each other,” says the official). In
some cases, the government has to seize
land. That is unpopular everywhere, but es-
pecially in rural Texas, where distrust of
the federal government runs deep. The
government’s use of eminent domain in
2008 led to hundreds of lawsuits, some of
which are still ongoing.
Farther west along the border, in Arizo-
na, many are concerned about the wall’s
environmental impact. Along the new sec-
tions of wall in Organ Pipe Cactus National
Monument lie massive, fallen saguaro cac-
tuses in sections—bulldozed for the barri-
er. Saguaro, with their chubby upturned
arms, have a vaguely human look; the To-
hono O’odham, the local native popula-
tion, consider them embodiments of their
ancestors. They can live for centuries.
Some of those cut down were probably
standing before Arizona was a state.
But the wall’s potential environmental
harms extend well beyond fallen flora. Ac-

tivists worry that water used in mixing
concrete for the wall’s foundation will de-
plete precious desert aquifers, imperilling
not just an endangered species of fish
whose sole American habitat is Quitoba-
quito Springs, in Organ Pipe, but all desert
life (a cbpofficial contends that his agency
is not using any groundwater within five
miles of Quitobaquito). The lights planned
for the wall could disrupt the bats that pol-
linate the saguaro. The new wall, with its
deep foundation and closely built bollards,
could act as a dam and worsen floods.
Such concerns seem remote in down-
town San Diego. Yet Jerry Sanders, the city’s
former mayor and police chief, fondly re-
calls bird hunting along the border decades
ago, when the only barrier was “a cable, just
so you couldn’t drive straight across.” That
was more or less the state of fencing along
much of America’s southern border until
surprisingly recently. The first border
fence designed to stop illegal immigration
started going up just south of San Diego in

  1. Security fears spurred a fit of con-
    struction under George W. Bush.

Frontier psychiatrist
No president has made a barrier—or hostil-
ity to immigration—as central to his politi-
cal platform as Mr Trump. cbpsays it has
funding for 509 miles of construction.
From Mr Trump’s inauguration until Octo-
ber, Congress provided nearly $3.1bn to re-

place or upgrade border fencing. Mr Trump
redirected billions of dollars from defence
funding to wall construction, endangering
dozens of military-construction projects—
though on December 10th a federal court
blocked Mr Trump from using that money
on his wall. Many have raised concerns
over how much the wall costs, and who is
building it. The Defence Department’s in-
spector-general will audit a $400m con-
struction contract given to a North Dakota
firm whose boss has repeatedly sung Mr
Trump’s praises.
In total the wall could cost as much as
$25m a mile just to build, not including
maintenance. And it is far from clear what
it will achieve. A wall will certainly make
life harder for fence jumpers. But the num-
ber of people trying to evade immigration
controls to come to America to work has
fallen for years. Most of the increase in ar-
rests at the border has come from families
and unaccompanied children who want to
be caught by cbpofficers because they in-
tend to claim asylum, which they have a le-
gal right to do. For such people a wall is
much less of a deterrent.
That is why Nancy Pelosi, the House
Speaker and Mr Trump’s most effective po-
litical opponent, called the wall “an immo-
rality”. Fortifying a border is not inherently
immoral. Doing it this way, however, may
be unwise. America’s global success de-
rives not from its military might or power
projection, but from its shaping of the
world’s multilateral institutions, its open-
ness, and its ability to constantly redefine
itself as it assimilates and is changed by
successive waves of immigrants. A wall
tells the world that America is turning
away from those values.
A more effective way to stop illegal im-
migration coming from Central America
might involve increased foreign aid for po-
litical stabilisation there. Fixing America’s
overwhelmed asylum system may require
more funding for the officials who assess
claims. On remote stretches of the border
surveillance technology would probably be
cheaper and just as effective at stopping
migrants as a physical barrier. But a wall is
easier to explain, and for a president who
prides himself on his reputation as “a
builder”, politically irresistible.
A plaque honouring Mr Trump gleams
from a bollard in Calexico, about two hours
east of San Diego. Not far from that plaque,
directly on the Californian side of the bor-
der, is an outlet mall that seemed designed
to attract Mexican shoppers. Mexicali, Ca-
lexico’s twin city in Mexico, attracts Ameri-
can medical tourists who zip across the
border for procedures that cost a fraction of
what they would in America. Such enter-
prises are a reminder that—wall or no wall,
and though Mr Trump may wish other-
wise—the fates of Mexico and America are
and always will be entwined. 7









Tuc s o n

Organ Pipe
Cactus National




Replacementbarrier Newbarrier Existing barriers

US-Mexico border

250 km Sources:; The Economist

Cactus if you can
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