The Economist - USA (2019-12-21)

(Antfer) #1
The EconomistDecember 21st 2019 Britain 83

2 Asforthebroaderpublic,thebbccom-
mands wide support. Three-quarters of
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mostastrusteda brandinBritainasthe
bbc, researchfromEdelmanshows.Anda
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Justnowit islookingratherfriendless. 7


ery differentjourneys have brought
the guests at the Soup Kitchen on Lon-
don’s Tottenham Court Road together.
Craig, a 34-year-old decorator from Swan-
sea, was left by his wife, sold his house and
spent the money on crack so that she
couldn’t get her hands on it. Nick, a 37-
year-old from Grimsby, ran away from his
debts. Deyan, a 40-year-old from Bulgaria,
with a master’s in economics, has strug-
gled to find work in London that covers the
rent. Paul, a 53-year-old also from Swansea,
travels around looking for work.
Most are sleeping rough, either full-
time or intermittently. Their attitudes to
this vary. Craig celebrates it: “If you don’t
have anything, you have total freedom.
That’s something you can’t buy.” Nick
longs to return to Grimsby to see his son,
the thought of whom makes him tear up.
But first he would have to pay his debts, for
which he would have to get a job, for which
he needs access to his bank account, for
which he needs to pay off his debts. Paul
seems resigned, but regards Craig’s view as
“very naive: the street is a chaotic place. Vi-
olence can come out of nowhere.”
Mortality statistics support that idea. In
2018, an estimated 724 homeless people
under the age of 75 died, most of whom
were sleeping rough or in shelters. The av-
erage age is 45. The number of deaths has

increased by half since 2013.
According to Crisis, a charity, around
170,000 households are homeless. That in-
cludes sofa-surfers and people in hostels.
Less than a tenth are regular rough sleep-
ers. Numbers fell in the first decade of this
century, thanks to a Labour government’s
efforts to deal with the problem, but have
increased sharply over the past ten years.
Rough sleeping is a complex problem,
in that it is associated with relationship
breakdown and addiction. But it is also a
simple one, in that the main driver is the
cost and availability of housing. In 2011
housing benefit was cut from half of aver-
age local rents to 30%. For people in Lon-
don, income reductions were particularly
sharp. According to Thiemo Fetzer, Srinjoy
Sen and Pedro Souza of Warwick Universi-
ty, in Camden the average loss to house-
holds was £1,924 ($2,530) a year.
With a continued net decline in social
rented housing, privately rented accom-
modation covered in part by housing bene-
fit is the main source of subsidised housing
these days, so the cut in housing benefit
had a big impact. Crisis says that evictions

from the private rented sector were the
main reason for the increase in homeless-
ness in 2010-18. The savings to the public
sector were minimal: lower spending on
housing benefit by central government was
mostly offset by higher spending by coun-
cils on shelters and suchlike.
A new law designed to bring numbers
down that came into force last year re-
quired councils to take “reasonable steps”
to help all homeless people. That may be
why numbers across the country dipped
last year, though campaigners point out
that “reasonable steps” can be interpreted
as giving rough sleepers a list of hostels.
The decline may also be to do with local-
ised efforts such as that in Manchester,
which is trialling a version of the Housing
First policy that has worked in Finland (see
Europe section). Rough-sleeping numbers
in Manchester are down by 37% this year.
But in London, numbers continue to
rise (see chart), and not only among
Britons: the fastest-growing group is from
eastern Europe. They now make up nearly
half of rough sleepers in Westminster, the
borough with the biggest problem. It has
“ample accommodation” for them, says
Ian Adams, the councillor responsible, but
since housing benefit was withdrawn from
unemployed European migrants in 2014,
the government will not pay their bills, and
since a High Court decision in 2017 they
cannot be deported for sleeping rough. “It’s
really frustrating,” says Mr Adams. “We
have our hands tied behind our backs.”
With London’s streets awash with rain,
the city’s rough sleepers look like having a
dank Christmas. But some look on the
bright side. Paul stopped drinking 30 years
ago and has managed to stay sober by going
to Alcoholics Anonymous at 7.30am most
days. “I just have to walk past some people
on the streets, off their heads on drink or
drugs, and I think how lucky I am.”^7

On any winter night, around 5,000
people will be sleeping rough

Rough sleeping

No crib for a bed

Something to make you change your mind

Streets of London


London, rough sleepers seen on at least
one night during the year, ’000







2000 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
Years beginning April
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