The Four

(Axel Boer) #1

“Sizeable Gender Differences in Support of Bans on Assault Weapons, Large Clips.” Pew Research Center.
ACTA, “The Vote Is In—78 Percent of U.S. Households Will Display Christmas Trees This Season: No
Recount Necessary Says American Christmas Tree Association.” ACTA.
“2016 November General Election Turnout Rates.” United States Elections Project.
Stoffel, Brian. “The Average American Household’s Income: Where Do You Stand?” The Motley Fool.
Green, Emma. “It’s Hard to Go to Church.” The Atlantic.
“Twenty Percent of U.S. Households View Landline Telephones as an Important Communication Choice.”
The Rand Corporation.
Tuttle, Brad. “Amazon Has Upper-Income Americans Wrapped Around Its Finger.” Time.

Hunters and Gatherers

Hunting and gathering, humanity’s first and most successful

adaptation, occupies more than 90 percent of human history.^8 By
comparison, civilization is little more than a recent blip. It’s less awful
than it sounds: Paleolithic and Neolithic people spent just 10–
hours a week hunting and gathering the food they needed to survive.
The gatherers, in most cases women, were responsible for 80–

percent of the effort and yield.^9 The hunters mostly provided extra
This shouldn’t be surprising. Men tend to be better at evaluating at
a distance—where prey is first spotted. By comparison, women are
typically better at taking stock of their immediate surroundings.
Gatherers also needed to be more thoughtful about what they
collected. While a tomato couldn’t outrun her, the gatherer woman

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