The Four

(Axel Boer) #1


A decent proxy for your success will be your ratio of sweating to
watching others sweat (watching sports on TV). It’s not about being
skinny or ripped, but committing to being strong physically and
mentally. The trait most common in CEOs is a regular exercise regime.
Walking into any conference room and feeling that, if shit got real, you
could kill and eat the others gives you an edge and confidence (note:
don’t do this).
If you keep physically fit, you’ll be less prone to depression, think
more clearly, sleep better, and broaden your pool of potential mates.
On a regular basis, at work, demonstrate both your physical and
mental strength—your grit. Work an eighty-hour week, be the calm
one in face of stress, attack a big problem with sheer brute force and
energy. People will notice. At Morgan Stanley, the analysts pulled all-

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