The World of Cross Stitching - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1 The World of Cross Stitching 43

Retro Purses Project

How to... make a purse

5 Insert your pocket into your

clasp and loosely tack in place (around

the whole clasp). This will make the

next step much easier and ensure

your purse is central.

2 Sew together along the
bottom edge, starting and stopping
at the blue making up guidelines
indicated on the chart. Repeat this
process for the two lining fabric
panels using a 1cm (½in) seam
allowance to create your inner pocket.

1 Cut out your stitched piece with

a 1cm (½in) seam allowance. Use

this as a template to cut out a piece

of backing fabric and two panels of

lining fabric. Pin your stitching to the

backing fabric, right sides together.

3 Turn through your lining so the
seam is on the inside and insert into
the outer pocket. Pin together along
the top edge and stitch together
using a 1cm (½in) seam allowance,
leaving a small gap on the back
straight edge for turning.

4 Trim your seam allowance and
clip notches into the curves to allow
it to lie flat. Turn the purse through
so that the stitching is on the outside
and the lining is on the inside. Press
and slip stitch the gap closed.

6 Now, using thread in a
complementary colour, stitch through
the holes in the clasp to attach. Finish
by removing your tacking stitches and
enjoy your new retro purse!

These quick-to-
stitch designs will
make fab gifts for
friends and family

  • after all, who
    can resist such a
    vibrant, handmade
    purse? I can’t wait
    to get to work.

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