net - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

Inspirational sites



Alex Pierce is a Dallas-based
designer and art director who likes
‘making stuff on the internet’ for some
pretty high-profile clients, netting an
enviable array of awards in the process.
This new portfolio site really oozes
personality and joyousness for what he
does, with a ‘geek’ emphasis laden with
retro references to movies, video games
and comic books.
Pierce is clearly a Back to the Future
fan; the opening pre-loader mimics the
film’s logo before a pixel art caricature
of him zooms in on his hoverboard.
Rollover effects and scrolling text are a

motif right from the off, alongside the
use of bright colours and Typekit’s Lo
Res font. His disembodied head bounces
around the viewport, winking at each
collision, while his biography fizzles
with flickering imagery appearing under
the oversized mouse pointer.
All these playful jQuery-powered
ideas continue throughout beautifully
illustrated project case studies, rich with
interface grabs and charming videos
embedded with the FitVids.JS plugin. It
all comes together to form a memorable
digital resume full of not only skill but a
sense of humour too.
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