net - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
isn’t the challenge. The challenge is
maintaining consistency throughout
the entire design.
Consistency establishes clear
hierarchy between elements of
varying importance, which in turns
helps users understand a UI faster and
even digest content more efficiently.

The ultimate UI design guide

Paragraph spacings, letter spacings, font sizes and line
heights should enhance readability and communicate the
visual hierarchy of different snippets of UX content

choose your


Font size
When it comes to legibility and
readability, the minimum acceptable
font size as defined by the WCAG 2.0
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
is 18pt (or 14pt bold). The best font
size to use largely depends on the font
itself but it’s important to be mindful
of visual hierarchy and how this
base size distinguishes itself from
summaries and headings (ie <h1>,
<h2>, <h3>).
With your UI design tool of choice
(I’ll be using InVision Studio), create a

typography (like
many aspects
of design)
boils down to
Visual design
certainly adds to the user’s overall
experience but at the end of the day,
users are interacting with the UI, not
viewing it as art. Legible letters result
in clarity and readable words are what
help users digest content efficiently.
Both are more important than any visual
However, well-designed typography
can still be aesthetically satisfying.
Black-on-white Helvetica (or a similar
font) can be a thing of beauty after only
a few simple typographic enhancements.
By enhancements, what I mean is
tweaking the font size, line height, letter
spacing and so on – not the font or the
colour of the text.
‘Beautiful’ typography is actually ugly
when it’s unreadable because frustration
always trumps aesthetics. Great design
is balanced and harmonious.
Like many aspects of UI design,
fine-tuning visuals to balance
accessibility and aesthetics

series of text layers (T) and then adjust
all of the sizes to correlate with the
following template:

O <h1>: 44px
O <h2>: 33px
O <h3>: 22px
O <p>: 18px

With InVision Studio (and all other UI
design tools), this is done by adjusting
the styles using the Inspector panel on
the right-hand side.
Next choose your font, but beware
because what you might notice with
some fonts is that 18px <p> and 22px
<h3> doesn’t look all that different. We
have two choices: tweak the font sizes or
consider a different font for headings. Go
with the latter if you anticipate that your
design will be text-heavy.
Keep in mind that:


Visual UI design is often a gut-
feeling approach


Nothing is decided; everything is
subject to change

Line height
Optimal line height ensures that lines
of text have enough spacing between
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