net - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
The name ‘design system’ can create
a false impression of something that
provides value only for designers. But in
reality a design system isn’t something
that just concerns designers; instead it’s
about how an entire organisation builds
its products.
Successful design processes usually
depend on there being a tight cross-
functional collaboration between
all teams involved in the creation of
the product. And a design system is
about building a shared language that
empowers teams to collaborate more
effectively. It’s a complete set of design
principles, rules and standards along
with the toolkit (design patterns, visual
styles and a code library of reusable UI
components) required to achieve those
principles, rules and standards. A design
system enables a product team to create
a product faster – without having to
sacrifice any quality – by making the
design reusable.

The ultimate purpose of going to the
trouble of implementing a design system
is to help the business learn and grow.
That’s why a design system should
always be based on the objectives of a
business. For the very same reason, not
all design systems are built the same but
nevertheless, most design systems share
a few common elements:

O Design principles – values that ensure
the design efforts head in the right
O Components and pattern libraries

  • these are the building blocks of a
    design system.
    O Design guides – specific rules on
    how to design a particular part of
    a product. These can include style
    guidelines (typography, colours,
    spacing, etc) and UX writing
    guidelines (voice and tone, language,
    writing principles, etc).
    O Design practices – help to keep the
    system alive and valuable for the
    product team.

Product and company maturity
Before you start building a design
system, you need a clear understanding
of why you need one. Many companies
introduce design systems to reduce their
technical debt and speed up the product
development process (by spending
less time on tedious, monotonous
activities). But not all companies face
such problems because companies have
different levels of design maturity.

Creating a design system from scratch
is a time-consuming activity and small,
fast-moving teams likely don’t need a
design system because it would slow
them down. A three-to-five–person
startup that is still trying to find a
product-market fit would probably spend
a significant amount of time creating a
system. When resources are being spent
on building a design system, they aren’t
being spent on building the product.
Therefore, until a company is in the
position of having established a clear
direction with its product, investing

These are the common
elements a design system
usually encompasses

Build a perfect design system

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