net - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

O Introduce updates. The waiting
time for updates plays a key role in
the adoption of the design system.
Practise regular incremental releases,
rather than big reveals and always
ensure you ship updates with a

Analyse how people use the
design system
Design systems rise and fall based on
how easy they are to use. If you’ve just
started incorporating a design system
into your organisation’s design process,
conduct a series of interviews with users
to understand how people use it. By
doing that, you can pinpoint common
problems that your target audience may
be facing.
For systems that will be incorporated
in a design process for some time, it’s
essential to measure the time required
to keep the system up to date. If keeping

the design system updated becomes
difficult, it will quickly become outdated.

Test your design decisions
No matter how good you are at
predicting things, it can be hard to
predict how a particular change will
affect the user experience. That’s why
it’s important to validate your decisions.
Here are three types of testing that
will help you:

O Usability testing.
O Visual regression testing, which
helps you to catch unintended visual
changes to component styles.
O Manual and automated accessibility
testing, which ensures your
components are accessible.

Introduce versioning
Design systems should have versions
because versioning makes it much

easier to track changes. With versioned
releases, users can reference a specific
version as a dependency. They also have
control over when and how upgrades to
new versions are handled.
There are two types of versioning:

O Versioning the entire system. Here,
everything in the system belongs to
one version number. As users, we deal
with versioning for the whole system
when we update our mobile OS – when
we update iOS, we’re updating the
entire piece of software.
O Versioning by modules. This involves
having a version number for every
component or style within the design
system. Compared with versioning the
entire system, versioning by module
gives more flexibility – users can
choose to upgrade just the elements
they need.

Creating a design system is not a one-
time activity; it’s actually iterative.
The people involved in creating a
design system need to think of it as
a living organism connecting the
whole organisation. A successful
design system becomes part of an
organisation’s DNA and helps produce
consistent user experiences.

Successful design systems
are highly reusable; libraries
like Bootstrap show these
components in action

Build a perfect design system

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