Web User - UK (2020-01-22)

(Antfer) #1

66 22 Jan - 4 Feb 2020

Install software for Linux


I recently read the letters in Issue
489 (bit.ly/webuser489) from Tony
Franks and P Staniforth about using
Linux on older machines. I have
downloaded some software to Linux
Mint on an old Acer Aspire 5733Z,
but I can’t work out how to install the
program. The software in question
is a simulated Radio Ham program from
I managed to download the program
to Windows 10 and run it, but Linux
doesn’t use the same EXE files to run
software so I’m baffled about how
to progress. I would very much
appreciate any help as my computer
really struggles with Windows 10.
Don Phillips, via email


Linux is a completely different
operating system to Windows,
which means Windows programs won’t
run on it. You could try running the
software in a Windows emulator for

Linux – there’s one called Wine (www
.winehq.org) – but, ideally, you should
be running native Linux software on
Linux and Windows software on
Go to the download page of the
HamSphere website and you’ll see
downloads for Windows, Linux, macOS
and Android. To run the program on
Linux, you need to download the Linux
version of the software.
The ease with which this program can
be run depends on your version of Linux
and what other software you have
installed. Some Linux versions make the

process more complicated.
The download is called something like
‘hamsphere_4.010-setup.tar.gz’ and it
will probably end up in your Downloads
folder. Open the Terminal window, then
change to the Downloads folder by
entering cd Downloads. The program
is in a compressed archive and must be
extracted. At the Terminal command
prompt, enter tar zxvf
The setup file must then be made
executable by changing a flag. Enter
chmod +x hamsphere_4.009_setup.
You can now run the setup program by


Thank you for the reply in Issue
490 (bit.ly/webuser490)
regarding my problem with System
Restore but, unfortunately, I still
haven’t found a solution. I followed
your instructions until I got to System
Properties but there were no drives
displayed. A message said: “Could not
re-scan the drives for the following
reason: System Restore encountered
an error. Please try to run system
restore again. Ox18000203.”
Is there anything else I can try?
Kevin O’Brien, via email


There are a few other options.
Press Windows+R and enter
services.msc. Look for the
following services: Microsoft Storage
Spaces SMP, Volume Shadow Copy
and Microsoft Software Shadow Copy

says ‘volsnap EUBKMON EUBAKUP’
but only the ‘volsnap’ word may be
important. Double-click UpperFilters
and type volsnap to see if that helps.

Fix a persistent System Restore problem


Turn on System Protection and give it a few
gigabytes of space for backups

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Provider. Double-click each one and
click the Start button, then set the
‘Startup type’ to Automatic.
Go to the Control Panel and, in
one of the ‘icons’ views, choose
System, then ‘System Protection’.
Select the C: drive and click
Configure. Give it at least 5GB of
hard-drive space, then click OK.
Now try creating a restore point by
clicking the Create button.
Some people have found that
Kaspersky Removal Tool
accidentally deletes an important
Registry key. Press Windows+R,
enter regedit and go to:
SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Control \
Class \{71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-
Look at the UpperFilters value. Ours

HamSphere is a virtual radio-ham rig for Windows, Linux, macOS and Android
Free download pdf