Jumper & booties
only, proceed as follows:
Next row Purl.
Cont in st-st until front measures 20 (24:
28: 33 )cm, 8 (9½: 11: 1 3 )in, ending with
a RS row.
Shape neck
Next row Cast off 5 (6: 7: 7) sts (neck
edge), purl to end. 24 (27: 29: 33 ) sts
Next row Knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.
23 (26: 28: 3 2) sts
Work 3 ( 3 : 4: 4) rows, dec 1 st at neck
edge in every row. 20 (2 3 : 24: 28) sts
Work 2 (2: 1: 5) rows more without
Shape shoulder
Next row Cast off 6 (7: 8: 9) sts, knit
to end. 14 (16: 16: 19) sts
Next row Purl.
Next row Cast off 7 (8: 8: 9) sts, knit
to end. 7 (8: 8: 10) sts
Next row Purl.
Cast off rem 7 (8: 8: 10) sts.
With RS facing, working on rem 3 4 ( 3 8:
41: 45) sts, rejoin yarn, cast off 5 sts,
knit to end. 29 ( 33 : 3 6: 40) sts
Next row Purl.
Cont in st-st until front measures
20 (24: 28: 33 )cm, 8 (9½: 11: 1 3 )in,
ending with a WS row.
Shape neck
Next row Cast off 5 (6: 7: 7) sts (neck
edge), knit to end. 24 (27: 29: 33 ) sts
Next row Purl.
Next row K2tog, knit to end.
23 (26: 28: 3 2) sts
Work 3 ( 3 : 4: 4) rows, dec 1 st at neck
edge in every row. 20 (2 3 : 24: 28) sts
Work 3 ( 3 : 2: 6) rows more without
Shape shoulder
Next row Cast off 6 (7: 8: 9) sts, purl
to end. 14 (16: 16: 19) sts
Next row Knit.
Next row Cast off 7 (8: 8: 9) sts, purl
to end. 7 (8: 8: 10) sts
Next row Knit.
Cast off rem 7 (8: 8: 10) sts.
Sleeves (both alike)
Using 2.75mm (UK 12, US 2) needles,
thumb method and Yarn A, cast on 39
( 3 9: 41: 41) sts, work 4 rows in g-st.
Change to 3 .25mm (UK 10, US 3 )
needles and working in st-st inc 1 st at
each end of 7th (5th: 7th: 5th) and foll 0
(6th: 4th: 4th) row to 41 (4 3 : 45: 45) sts.
Work 5 (1: 1: 3 ) rows without shaping.
Using Yarn B, proceed as follows:
Row 1 *K1, sl1p; rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 2 Purl.
Change to 2.75mm (UK 12, US 2)
needles and proceed as follows:
Row 3 (Inc in 1st st) 1 (0: 0: 1) times,
knit to last 2 (0: 0: 2) sts, (inc in next st,
k1) 1 (0: 0: 1) times. 4 3 (4 3 : 45: 47) sts
Row 4 Knit.
Using Yarn A, proceed as follows:
Row 5 (Inc in 1st st) 0 (1: 1: 0) times,
knit to last 0 (2: 2 :0) sts, (inc in next st,
k1) 0 (1: 1: 0) times. 4 3 (45: 47: 47) sts
Row 6 Knit.
Change to 3 .25mm (UK 10, US 3 )
needles and proceed as follows:
Row 7 Knit.
Row 8 Purl.
Using Yarn B, proceed as follows:
Row 9 (Inc in 1st st, k1) 0 (0: 0: 1)
times, sl1p, *k1, sl1p; rep from * to last
It’s in the detail
This knit features plackets – the
opening at the neck that contains
the buttonband (underlay) and
the buttonholes (overlay). To
work them, pick up stitches
around the neckline and work
8 rows of garter stitch for each
placket, then when making up,
sew the lower edges to the cast-
off sts at the front of the neck.
0 (0: 0: 2) sts, (inc in next st, k1) 0 (0: 0:
1) times. 4 3 (45: 47: 49) sts
Row 10 Purl.
Rows 1-10 set patt.
Using Yarn B, working in st-st inc 1 st at
each end of 1st (1st: 1st: 5th) and every
foll 10th (6th: 6th: 6th) row to 49 (5 3 : 61:
67) sts.
For 2nd size only
Inc 1 st at each end of foll 8th row to
(55) sts.
For all 4 sizes
Cont without shaping until sleeve
measures 15 (17: 20: 24)cm, 6 (6½:
8: 9½)in, or length required, ending
with a WS row.
Shape sleeve top
Cast off 3 ( 3 : 2: 3 ) sts at beg of next
8 (8: 2: 14) rows. 25 ( 3 1: 57: 25) sts
Cast off 3 (4: 3 : 4) sts at beg of next
6 (6: 16: 4) rows. 7 (7: 9: 9) sts
Cast off rem 7 (7: 9: 9) sts.
With RS facing, using 2.75mm (UK 12,
US 2) needles and Yarn A, pick up and
knit 15 (17: 20: 20) sts evenly along right
side of neck opening.
Work 8 rows in g-st.
Cast off knitwise.
With RS facing, using 2.75mm (UK 12,
US 2) needles and Yarn A, pick up and
knit 15 (17: 20: 20) sts evenly along left
side of neck opening.
Work 3 rows in g-st.
Buttonhole row K 3 , yfwd, k2tog, k6 (8:
11: 11), yfwd, k2tog, k2.
Work 4 rows more in g-st.
Cast off knitwise.
Join shoulder seams. With RS facing,
using 2.75mm (UK 12, US 2) needles
and Yarn B, starting halfway across top
of underlay, pick up and knit 19 (20: 21:
23 ) sts evenly along right side of neck,
knit across 2 3 (25: 29: 29) sts left on a
stitch holder at back of neck and pick