Khitam lives with her children,
husband Abdelsalam, and his elderly
parents in a single, damp room of a
half-built apartment block near
Tripoli, Lebanon.
There are holes in the
walls and ceiling, and they
share a toilet with other
refugee families crammed
into the building. Khitam
and Abdelsalam
are mentally
and physically
after years
of struggling
to survive,
unable to earn
a living and
fighting a daily,
relentless battle to
feed their children.
Right now, they are
terrified by the prospect of
another winter in their cold,
uninsulated single room.
Another winter where they
will feel every blast of icy
wind. Another winter where
every time their children
cough or sneeze they will
fear they have contracted
a lethal respiratory
condition like pneumonia
or tuberculosis.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee
URGENT APPEAL: help Syrian refugee
parents like Khitam to protect their
children through the winter.
Agency, needs your support
to help parents protect their
children this winter.
Please will you give £75
to provide a refugee family
like Khitam’s with a
Winter Survival
Kit to protect
against the
The kit
essentials such
as a heating
stove, thermal
blankets, warm
clothes and a tarpaulin for
insulation. It could mean
survival for a family like
Two winters ago, as a
result of their exposed and
unsanitary living conditions,
Khitam and all of her
children became ill. Baby
Bilal had a high temperature
and diarrhoea. Her sons
Khaled (3, pictured) and
Abdul Rahman (8) had chest
infections and their sister
Fatimah (4) contracted
worms. Khitam herself
developed painful growths
on her throat and lost her
voice. Without access to a
free healthcare system like
we have in the UK,
Khitam became
with worry
about how to
pay for the
treatment and
medicines her
children needed.
“I felt helpless.
My children were coughing
and crying and there was
nothing I could do.”
Khitam believes that
without assistance from
UNHCR “my children
would be dead”.
Across Lebanon and
Jordan, seven of the last
eight winters have
brought heavy snowfall
and temperatures
regularly drop
below 0°C.
Right now, with the
conflict continuing
in Syria, 1.7 million
refugees in Lebanon
and Jordan remain unable
to return home. They are
living, like Khitam’s family,
in derelict buildings, or in
makeshift shelters made
of little more than wood
and plastic sheeting. With
temperatures falling, the
lives of the most vulnerable
- young children, pregnant
women and the elderly – are
at grave risk.
With a gift of £75 you can
provide a Winter Survival
Kit containing a stove,
blankets, warm clothes and
a tarpaulin to help a family
insulate and heat their
home. Please give today –
you could save the lives of
children like Khitam’s.
“Living here, in
these conditions,
I cannot keep my
children healthy.”
Wind speed
during Storm
Norma, Lebanon,
January 2019.
Give £75
to provide a
Syrian refugee
family with a
Winter Survival
© UNHCR/Hannah Maule-ffinch © UNHCR/Andrew McConnell
Yes, I will help Syrian refugee families
survive the winter
Please accept my gift of: £75 £150 £225 My own choice of £
I enclose a cheque or postal order made payable to UNHCR
(Currently CAF cheques cannot be accepted)
Please tell us if you are happy to hear more about UNHCR’s work: By email By phone
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other events. You can read more about how we use your data in our Privacy Policy
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With £75, you can give a Winter
Survival Kit containing:
Families left their homes with
nothing. A simple blanket
could save a life.
For insulation. Keeps the cold
out and the warmth in.
Hats, gloves and scarves
keep families warm,
indoors and out.
For heating and cooking.
An absolute essential.
or call 0800 029 3883
Please post urgently to: Freepost UNHCR. You do not need a stamp. LCSPAWI19A