Love Knitting for Babies - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1

Fair Isle cardigan

stitch, work pattern according to Chart
A.1 (over the page) until there are 6
stitches left on row (= 11 (12: 11: 12)
repeats of 6 (6: 7: 7) stitches), work A.2
band stitches in garter stitch.
Note Choose correct version for your
chosen size.

Continue this pattern and increase as
shown in the chart. When A.1 and A.2
have been completed there are 187
(20 3 : 220: 2 3 9) stitches on the row.
Continue with stocking stitch with 5
band stitches in garter stitch at each
side in Goldenrod. On the next row
from the right side increase 7 (7: 10:
7) stitches evenly across row (do not
increase over bands) = 194 (210: 2 3 0:
246) stitches.

When the piece measures 1 3 (14:
15: 16)cm, 5 (5½: 6: 6¼)in mid front
(measured without the neck), divide
the piece as follows: Work 29 ( 3 1: 3 4:
3 6) stitches as before (= front piece),
place the next 42 (46: 50: 54) stitches
on 1 thread for sleeve (without working
them), cast on 6 new stitches on the

needle, work 52 (56: 62: 66) stitches
(= back piece), place the next 42 (46:
50: 54) stitches on 1 thread for sleeve
(without working them), cast on 6 new
stitches on the needle and work the
remaining 29 ( 3 1: 3 4: 3 6) stitches as
before (= front piece).
122 (1 3 0: 142: 150) sts

Insert 1 marker thread 3 2 ( 3 4: 3 7: 3 9:
41) stitches in from each side (= 58
(62: 68: 72) stitches between marker
threads on back piece). The piece is
now measured from here.

Continue back and forth with stocking
stitch and 5 band stitches in garter
stitch at each side towards mid front

When the piece measures 3 cm (1in)
from where body and sleeves were

It’s in the detail
If you haven’t heard of ‘thread
markers’ before, it simply means
using scraps of yarn to hold
excess stitches or to mark a
place in a pattern – just like
stitch markers or holders, but
cheaper! Remember to use a
contrasting shade of yarn to
make them easy to remove.

divided, increase 1 st on each side of
both marker threads as follows:
Start 2 stitches before the marker
thread, make 1 yarn over, knit 4 (the
marker thread sits in the middle of
these 4 stitches), make 1 yarn over (=
2 stitches increased). Increase like this
at both marker threads (= 4 stitches
increased). On the next row work the
yarn overs twisted to avoid holes.

Repeat the increase when the piece
measures 8cm ( 3 in) from where body
and sleeves were divided.
13 0 (1 3 8: 150: 158) sts

When the piece measures 11 (1 3 : 16:
19: 22)cm, 4¼ (5: 6¼: 7½)in from where
body and sleeves were divided, increase
14 (14: 14: 14) stitches on next row
from the right side (do not increase
over the bands).
144 (152: 164: 172) sts

Knit this beautiful
Fair Isle cardie for
someone special
Free download pdf