Striped jacket
Shape armhole
Next row Cast off 2 sts, p to end.
19 (2 3 : 27: 3 0: 3 4) sts
Dec 1 st at armhole edge on next and
foll 2 alt rows. 16 (20: 24: 27: 3 1) sts
Continue without shaping until armhole
measures same as Left Front to shape
Shape neck
Next row Cast off 2 (2: 3 : 3 : 4) sts, k to
end. 14 (18: 21: 24: 27) sts
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 (4: 5: 5:
6) rows. 11 (14: 16: 19: 21) sts
Continue without shaping until armhole
right side row.
Cast off.
Sleeves (both alike)
Using 3 .75mm (UK 9, US 5) needles and
Yarn A, cast on 3 2 ( 3 4: 3 6: 3 8: 40) sts
and work 6 rows in g-st.
Continue in stripes of 14 (16: 20: 26: 26)
rows of Yarns A and B and at same time
inc 1 st at each end of every foll 4th row
to 46 (52: 56: 62: 64) sts, then every foll
alt row to 58 (62: 68: 78: 80) sts.
Break off Yarns A and B.
Continue in C without further shaping
until Sleeve measures 15 (18: 2 3 : 27:
29)cm, 6 (7: 9: 10½: 11½)in from beg,
Shape top
Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
54 (58: 64: 74: 76) sts
Dec 1 st at each end of next and foll
Work 1 row.
Cast off.
Join shoulder seams by top sewing.
With right side facing, using 3 .75mm
(UK 9, US 5) needles and Yarn A, pick
up and k 12 sts evenly up right side of
neck, 24 (24: 28: 28: 3 2) sts across back
neck then 12 sts evenly down left side
of neck. 48 (48: 52: 52: 56) sts
Work 6 rows in g-st.
Inc row (WS) K 3 ( 3 : 5: 5: 7), (k1, m1) 42
times, k 3 ( 3 : 5: 5: 7).
90 (90: 94: 94: 98) sts
Continue in st-st commencing with a
k row until Hood measures 11.5 (12.5:
14.5: 16.5: 16.5)cm, 4½ (5: 5¾: 6½: 6½)
side row.
The hood is nice and
generous – ideal for
breezy spring days
It’s in the detail
The pockets on this jacket are as
simple as they come, worked in
stocking stitch with a 1 st garter
stitch border. They are sewn on
to the garment at the end – make
sure you block your pockets and
carefully pin them in place before
sewing. If you prefer, you could
leave them off for a simpler look.