Zig-zag jumper
Cast off at the shoulder edge on every
alt row as folls:
5 (5: 5: 6: 7) sts 3 (2: 1: 2: 3 ) times, then
0 (6: 6: 7: 0) sts 0 (1: 2: 1: 0) times.
With WS facing, pick up sts left on spare
needle and work from to * above.
Using 3 mm (UK 11, US 2 /3) needles and
Yarn A, cast on 3 8 (42: 42: 42: 46) sts.
Work in 2/2 rib for 3 cm (1¼in), 10 rows,
Change to 3 .5mm (UK 9/10, US 4)
needles and starting with a knit row,
cont in st-st on the 41 (4 3 : 4 3 : 45: 47)
sts obtained until work measures 6cm
(2¼in), 20 rows total.
Next row (RS) K2, inc 1, work to last 2
sts, inc 1, k2.
Rep this inc on every foll 8th row 2 ( 3 : 4:
6: 7) times, then on every foll 6th row 2
(2: 2: 0: 0) times.
Cont on the 51 (55: 57: 59: 6 3 ) sts
obtained until work measures 16 (19: 21:
23 : 26)cm, 6¼ (7½: 8¼: 9: 10¼)in, 50 (58:
66: 72: 80) rows total.
Change of pattern & sleeve shaping
For the change of pattern, work 12 rows
being made, then cont in st-st using
Yarn B. At the same time, for the top of
sleeve, when work measures 19 (22: 24:
26: 29)cm, 7½: (8¾: 9½: 10¼: 11½)in,
the beg of every row as folls:
2 sts twice, 1 st 6 times.
47: 49: 5 3 ) sts on a spare needle for the
top of the sleeve.
Using 3 mm (UK 11, US 2 /3) needles and
Yarn B, cast on 84 (92: 96: 96: 100) sts.
Work in 2/2 rib for 6 rows, starting and
ending with k 3 , then leave on a spare
Join shoulder seams.
Using backstitch, graft the neckband
around neck edge from one border to
the other.
Graft the top of the sleeves into the
vertical section of the armholes, then
join the shaped sections.
Sew the sleeve and side seams.
Sew the two press studs onto the border
opening, 1cm (½in) from the edge,
the 1st halfway up the collar, the 2nd
halfway up the opening.
Secure and weave in all ends.
Top Tip
The wool-mix yarn
creates a cosy fabric
that's perfect for the
winter months. Pick
your own shades from
over 30 colours
We love the subtle
variegated tone of
the Mix Vert shade