Knit Now - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1


Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times. 20 sts
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: [K1, kfb] 10 times.
30 sts
Rows 5-13: Starting with a p
row, work 9 rows in St st.
Row 14: [K1, k2tog] 10 times.
20 sts
Row 15: Purl.
Row 16: [K2tog] 10 times. 10 sts
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

With D, cast on 20 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [K1, kfb] 10 times.
30 sts
Rows 3, 5, 7 & 9: Purl.
Row 4: [K2, kfb] 10 times.
40 sts
Row 6: [K3, kfb] 10 times.
50 sts
Row 8: [K4, kfb] 10 times.
60 sts
Join C.
Row 10: K28 D, k1 C, k2 D, k
C, k28 D.
Row 11: P28 D, p1 C, p2 D, p
C, p28 D.
Row 12: K28 D, k4 C, k28 D.
Row 13: As Row 11.
Row 14: As Row 10.
Row 15: P28 D, p4 C, p28 D.
Rows 16-18: Rep rows 10-12.
Row 19: As Row 11.
Break C and complete in D.
Row 20: [K4, k2tog] 5 times,
[k2tog, k4] 5 times. 50 sts
Rows 21, 23, 25 & 27: Purl.
Row 22: [K3, k2tog] 5 times,
[k2tog, k3] 5 times. 40 sts
Row 24: [K2, k2tog] 5 times,
[k2tog, k2] 5 times. 30 sts
Row 26: [K1, k2tog] 5 times,
[k2tog, k1] 5 times. 20 sts
Row 28: [K2tog] 10 times.
10 sts
Break yarn and thread through
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Make 2, starting at
the shoulder
With C, cast on 12 sts.
Rows 1-4: Starting with a p row,
work 4 rows in St st.
Change to B.
Rows 5-6: Work 2 rows in St st.

Change to C.
Rows 7-14: Work 8 rows in
St st.
Change to B.
Rows 15-20: Work 6 rows in
St st.
Change to C.
Row 21 (WS): Purl.
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: Knit.
Break B & C. Join A.
Rows 24-27: Starting with a k
row, work 4 rows in St st.

First fi nger: K3, turn, work on
this set of sts. Starting with
a p row, work 6 rows in St
st. Leave these sts on the
working needle. Move on to
the next set of 3 sts.
Second fi nger: K3, turn, work
on this set of sts. Starting
with a p row, work 12 more
rows in St st. Leave these sts
on the working needle.
Work as for Second  nger twice
more, creating 4  ngers in total.
** Next Row (WS): Purl,
working across all sts. 12 sts
Work 3 more rows in St st.
Cast off.

Work as for Second
Finger 3 times to
create 3  ngers
and then work the First Finger,
creating 4  ngers in total.
Complete as for Right Arm
from **.

Make 2
With E, cast on 10 sts.
Row 1 (WS): Purl.
Row 2: [Kfb] 10 times.
20 sts
Rows 3-5: Starting with a p
row, work 3 rows in St st.
Row 6: [K2, k2tog] 5 times.
15 sts
Row 7: Purl.
Row 8: [K1, k2tog] 5 times.
10 sts
Rows 9-10: Work 2 rows in
St st.
Row 11: [P2tog] 5
times. 5 sts
Break yarn and

thread through rem sts. Pull
tight to fasten.

Making up: With cast-on yarn
end of Body, sew each leg seam
as far as crotch. Sew back Body
seam and stuff. Thread A and
pierce foot from centre of the
sole, take out the needle from
ankle and repeat. Pull thread to
 atten sole and shape ankle.
Dress Body in Spacesuit and
sew leg seams of Spacesuit.
Insert a small amount of
stuf ng between Spacesuit
and tummy. Sew back seam of
Spacesuit and roll back neck.
Fold  ngers in half lengthwise
and sew side edges together.
Seam Arm and stuff. Rep for
the other Arm. Attach Arms
to Body.
With cast-on yarn end of Head,
seam Head as far as cast-off
edge. Stuff Head and, with
seam in centre, squash down
Head and sew cast-off edges
tog. Fold in the cast-off edge.
Fold Tooth in half lengthwise

and sew sides. Attach Teeth
to Head at upper jaw. With
fasten-off yarn end, seam
Helmet and stuff. Insert Head
into Helmet and secure it
with stitches around Head.
Seam and stuff Nose. Attach
Nose to Head. Seam Ears
and attach them to each side
of Head. From white felt, cut
out two 8mm circles. Attach
a 4mm eye bead to felt circle
and attach it to Head. Rep for
the other eye. Attach Head
to neck.

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