Knit Now - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1
46, 51, 56, 58, 58, 60) sts
on RH needle, place these
sts on a holder, cast off 14
(16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18,
18) sts, work in patt to end.
36 (37, 41, 46, 51, 56, 58, 58,
60) sts for Right Front

Right Front Neck &
Shoulder shaping
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 (WS): Work
in patt to last st, turn.
Row 2: Sl 1, puso, cast off 3
more sts, work in patt to end.
Row 4: Sl 1, puso, cast off 2 (2,
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3) more sts,
work in patt to end.
Row 6: Sl 1, puso, cast off 1 (1,
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) more sts,
work in patt to end.
Row 8: Sl 1, puso, work in patt
to end.
Row 10: Sl 1, puso, work in
patt to end.
Row 11 (WS): Cast off 5 (6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11) sts,
work in patt to last st, turn.
Row 12: Sl 1, puso, work in
patt to last st, turn.
Row 13: Sl 1, puso, cast off
4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10)
more sts, work in patt to last
st, turn.
Row 14: Sl 1, puso, work in
patt to last st, turn.
Row 15: Sl 1, puso, cast off
5 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10)
more sts, work in patt to last
st, turn.
Row 16: Sl 1, puso, work in
patt to last st, turn.
Row 17: Sl 1, puso, cast off
rem sts.
Break yarn and fasten off.
With RS facing, return held 36
(37, 41, 46, 51, 56, 58, 58,
60) sts to needle. Join yarn at
armhole edge.

Let Front Neck &
Shoulder Shaping
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 (RS): Work
in patt to last st, turn.
Row 2: Sl 1, puso, cast off 3
more sts, work in patt to end.
Row 4: Sl 1, puso, cast off 2 (2,
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3) more sts,
work in patt to end.
Row 6: Sl 1, puso, cast off 1 (1,
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) more sts,

times, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1. -
(-, -, -, 102, -, -, -, -) sts

Set-up Row 1 (RS): [K3, p3] 1
(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4) times,
k3, pm, [k2, p1] twice, k2,
pm, p6, pm, [k2, p1] twice,
k2, pm, [k1, p1] 10 (11, 7,
11, 8, 11, 14, 11, 14) times,
pm, [k2, p1] twice, k2, pm,
p6, pm, [k2, p1] twice, k2,
pm, [k3, p3] 1 (1, 2, 2, 3, 3,
3, 4, 4) times, k3.
Set-up Row 2: Work Row 2 of
Garter Rib patt over 9 (9,
15, 15, 21, 21, 21, 27, 27)
sts, sm, work Row 2 of Small
Wave Cable, sm, work Row 2
of 6 Stitch Cable, sm, work
Row 2 of Small Wave Cable,
sm, work Row 2 of Irish Moss
over 20 (22, 14, 22, 16, 22,
28, 22, 28) sts, sm, work
Row 2 of Small Wave Cable,
sm, work Row 2 of 6 Stitch
Cable, sm, work Row 2 of
Small Wave Cable, sm, work
Row 2 of Garter Rib over 9
(9, 15, 15, 21, 21, 21, 27,
27) sts.
These 2 rows set position
of patts and Garter Rib at
sides. Cont in patt until Front
measures 40 (40, 40, 40, 40,
39, 39, 37.5, 36) cm, ending
after a WS row.

Read the whole of the next
section carefully before
beginning, neck and armhole
shaping occur AT THE

Begin armhole shaping
Next Row (inc, RS): Kfb, work in
patt to last st, kfb. 2 sts inc’d
Rep this row 1 (2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 8,
8, 5) more times every 18 (10,
6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8) rows.

Begin Neck Shaping after 24
(24, 26, 30, 36, 36, 44, 40,
44) rows have been worked
since start of armhole shaping.
86 (90, 98, 108, 118, 128, 132,
134, 138) sts
Set-up Row (RS): Work in patt
until there are 36 (37, 41,

work in patt to end.
Row 8: Sl 1, puso, work in patt
to end.
Row 10: Sl 1, puso, work in patt
to end.
Row 11 (RS): Cast off 5 (6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 10, 11) sts, work in
patt to last st, turn.
Row 12: Sl 1, puso, work in patt
to last st, turn.
Row 13: Sl 1, puso, cast off
4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10)
more sts, work in patt to last
st, turn.
Row 14: Sl 1, puso, work in patt
to last st, turn.
Row 15: Sl 1, puso, cast off
5 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10)
more sts, work in patt to last
st, turn.
Row 16: Sl 1, puso, work in patt
to last st, turn.
Row 17: Sl 1, puso, cast off
rem sts.
Break yarn and fasten off.

With smaller needles, cast on
100 (104, 108, 120, 128, 136,
144, 152, 160) sts.
Work 15 rows in 2x2 rib.
Change to larger needles.
Next Row (WS, dec): K2 (1, 2,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), [k2tog, k3] 7
(6, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6) times,
[k2tog, k4 (2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2] 4 (10, 2, 14, 16, 18, 20,
22, 24) times, [k2tog, k3] 7
(6, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6) times,
k2tog, k2 (1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1). 81 (81, 87, 93, 99, 105,
111, 117, 123) sts
Next Row: Knit.
Work in Garter Rib until Back
measures 40 (40, 40, 40, 40,
39, 39, 37.5, 36) cm, ending
after a WS row.

Armhole shaping
Next Row (inc, RS): Kfb,
work in patt to last st, kfb.
2 sts inc’d
Rep this row 0 (2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 8,
8, 5) more times every 18 (10,
6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8) rows. 83 (87,
97, 105, 115, 125, 129, 135,
135) sts

Cont in patt until work
measures 54 (54, 55, 56, 59,

Stacey’s tip

Use different coloured markers for each
section of the front panel and a highlighter
that corresponds to your marker colour to
highlight the name of the chart

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