Inside Crochet - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1 sidecr och k 63

sts of the previous two rows and
work into the third row below,
for squares in the alternative
colour work 1ch +1.

For Row 4 and every following
even-numbered row work the
entire row in the colour of the
square at the start of the row,
working 1dc in every square of
this colour. For every square in
the alternative colour, miss the
stitch and work 1ch +1.

The 1tr is only worked on odd
numbered rows into the stitch in
the third row below.

The pattern is repeated from
Rows 3–34.

Using 4mm hook and
yarn A, 99 (115, 131)ch.
Foundation Row: 1ch, 1dc in
each ch to end, change to yarn B,
turn – 99 (115, 131) sts.

Start from Row 1 of Chart (see
Chart Notes).
Row 1: Using yarn B only, 1ch
(does not count as a st here and
throughout), 1dc, *2ch, 3dc, 2ch,
7dc, 2ch, 3dc; rep from * four
(fi ve, six) more times, 2ch, 1dc,
Row 2: Using yarn B only, 1ch,
1dc, 2ch, *3dc, 2ch, 7dc, 2ch,
3dc, 2ch; rep from * four (fi ve,
six) more times, 1dc, change to
yarn A, turn.
Row 3: Using yarn A only, 1ch,
1dc, *1tr in next missed st from
three rows below, 2dc, 2ch, 1tr
in next missed st from three rows
below, 2dc, 2ch, 1dc, 2ch, 2dc,
1tr in next missed st from three
rows below, 2ch, 2dc; rep from *
four (fi ve, six) more times, 1tr in


10cm/4in 10cm/4in

35cm/13¾in 9cm/3½in




120 (140, 160)cm
48 (56, 64)in

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