PC World - USA (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1
FEBRUARY 2020 PCWorld 115

Linux or Mac, unless you have Linux or Mac).
Once downloaded into the correct
folders, the Plug-ins and Scripts are
accessed through various locations on
the GIMP menus such as a New Tab on
the main menu (e.g., Script-Fu,
FX-Foundry, Video, etc.); or under the
Image, Layer, or Filters tabs; or,
sometimes, under multiple tabs.
Generally, the instructions or description
will specify the location on the menus.
Below are seven of our favorite GIMP
Plug-ins and Scripts (with over 800 filter
effects, 400+ brushes, and 63 papers [aka

GIMP comes
preloaded with 71 of
its own filter effects, so
there may be some
duplicates. Don’t
delete any of them
until you’ve tried them
on your photos,
because the same filter
effect (with the same
name)—if developed
by two different
produce very different
results. You can keep
the one you like best
or keep them both.

This amazing resource (go.pcworld.com/gryc)
provides 521 filter effects within its own
menus, which are accessed through the Filters
tab. From the webpage linked above, cursor
down to G’MIC plug-in for GIMP. Select for
GIMP 2.10: Windows: installer or .zip archive.
If you’d like to experiment with some of
these filters before you download the
plug-ins, select this link for the G’MIC online
user version (go.pcworld.com/gmic). Open
a file (from your computer), click the Select A
Filter button, then choose filters from the
menu list and watch the magic unfold.

Plug-ins and Scripts are accessed through multiple GIMP menus.

Free download pdf