PC World - USA (2020-02)

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118 PCWorld FEBRUARY 2020


These filters are located under Filters >
Artistic > GIMPressionist. Copy all three of
the unzipped folders into the GIMP > 2.10 >
GIMPressionist folder (see “A” from earlier).
For samples of the effects and
detailed instructions, try this link:

Another really fun plug-in/script that
converts your photos into cartoons. If you
download all the scripts/plug-ins covered in
this article, you’ll have five “cartoon” effects.
Although similar, they each have a slightly
unique quality. Click this link to download
CarTOONize: go.pcworld.com/crtn.
This filter effect is located under
the Script-Fu tab > Effects >
Cartoonize. Note that you can
combine additional filters to
enhance the cartoon effect.

A GIMP-2.10.10
There are 114 scripts in this bundle
(go.pcworld.com/gm14), a
collection shared on the internet by
a long-time GIMP user named Paul
Sherman. He does not claim to be
the programmer, but he has
continually updated many of the
older scripts to make them
compatible with the new 2.10
versions. In addition to the scripts,

the downloads include gradients, patterns,
and some images.
The link above provides detailed
installation instructions, a list of all the
scripts, how and where to copy the files, the
download links, and a project history.
Because the scripts are all placed in the
scripts folder and the presets are in the
GIMPressionist folder, the bundled files are
all mixed in with the other scripts and presets
under Filters and Filters > Artistic >
GIMPressionist. If you download this bundle,
you will have duplicate files. Try them all,
keep the ones you like, and delete the rest.
The filters/effects included with GIMP
are marked on the menus with a capital
“G.” The independent programmers’
scripts and plug-ins are marked with a
symbol of double gears.

Free Scripts/Plug-ins double-gears symbol, and a picture of
the G’MIC “Pastel” filter effect.
Free download pdf