PC World - USA (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1
FEBRUARY 2020 PCWorld 87

    Release date: March
    No, it’s not Half-Life 3. After more than a
    decade, Valve’s finally putting out a new
    Half-Life game though, one where you play as
    Alyx in the events leading up to Half-Life 2. A
    pre-sequel, to borrow a phrase from
    The catch? It’s VR exclusive, a showcase for
    Valve’s Index headset—and for Oculus, the Vive,
    or any other PC VR
    setup you might
    own. That’s
    frustrating for
    anyone who hasn’t
    made that
    investment yet, but
    perhaps Half-Life:
    Alyx can be as
    for VR as Half-Life 2

was for physics engines
all those years ago.
We’ll see.

  1. DOOM
    Release date: March 20
    Doom Eternal was
    supposed to unleash
    hell last November, but
    fell victim to a last-
    minute delay. Now it’s
    ripping and tearing its way through March
    As we’ve said before, Doom Eternal is just
    “More Doom,” and that’s not a bad thing.
    With nearly four years separating the reboot
    and its sequel, I certainly haven’t tired of
    semi-mindless run and guns, especially ones
    that play this slick. Hopefully it’s been delayed
    for the last time, and we can all get to
    murdering demons in the near future.


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