PC World - USA (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1
FEBRUARY 2020 PCWorld 93

Time. I’m confident in Double Fine’s ability to
surprise people, but I do wonder if
Psychonauts 2 will actually appeal to those
who waited on a sequel for so long.

    Release date: To be confirmed
    Skateboarding games are in a bit of a
    renaissance at the moment, but none have
    captured my attention as much as SkateBird.
    They’re birds! That skate! It’s not the most
    realistic of skateboarding sims (obviously), nor

is it the Tony Hawk successor I really want. But
you know what? Sometimes originality counts
for more than execution, and SkateBird’s
managed to hook me where more serious
games like Session and Skater XL have not.

    Release date: To be confirmed
    This console generation opened with an
    ambitious Watch Dogs and it will close with
    one too. Hopefully Legion lives up to the hype
    more than the original.
    It sounds incredible in
    theory. Set in modern-day
    London, there’s no central
    protagonist. Instead you can
    recruit and play as anyone in
    the world. Cab driver? Cop?
    Beloved grandma? Those
    guards who wear the tall
    hats? Any of them could be
    the main character in your
    version of Watch Dogs
    Legion. Or all of them,
    because when characters
    die they stay dead. I had a
    great time shuffling around
    as an old lady at E3 (go.
    pcworld.com/oldy), and am
    disappointed Legion got
    delayed later into 2020, if
    only because I’m curious to
    test the limits of such a
    unique system for myself.


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