A History of America in 100 Maps

(Axel Boer) #1



Figures in bold refer to pages on which
illustrations appear

Adams, John 97
Adams, John Quincy 130
Adams–Onís negotiations 122
Addams, Jane 166, 170
advertising 151, 175, 196
aerospace industry 232
see also aviation
Africa 10, 12, 13, 50, 74, 77
communist movement in 225
African Americans 9, 106
black male suffrage 148, 175
in Chicago 188
classification by DuBois 168
discrimination against and exclusion of 166,
199, 230
disenfranchisement 157, 254
freeborn 106
freedmen 125, 148, 154, 157, 166
in Harlem 190
and home ownership 201
migration 9, 190, 230, 250
in Mississippi Delta 218
poverty among 168
as railroad workers 154
and road travel 176–7, 198 , 199, 229
segregation 9, 150, 155, 164, 168, 175, 177,
199, 201, 230, 254
of armed forces by race 205
and Voting Rights Act 233, 254
in World War I 176
see also slave trade, slavery
Africans, sold into slavery 50
“Afro American Travel Map” 198, 199
Afro Travel Bureau 199
Afro-American newspaper chain 199
agriculture 8, 35, 136, 163, 185, 186, 187, 242,
plantation 77, 141, 152
reform of 202
Agriculture, Department of 242
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
233, 246, 248, 248–9
air power 179
air travel 205, 220-1
air-conditioning 194, 250
Alabama 202, 230, 232
Alaska 170, 192, 223
Albany 79
Albemarle Sounds 25
ban on (Prohibition) 126, 176, 190
war against 125, 126, 127
alcoholism 190
Algonquin tribe 46, 79
Allardt, Hugo, “Effigies ampli Regni auriferi
Guineae in Africa siti” 50, 50–1
Allegheny Mountains 64, 86, 160
Allegheny River 84, 86
allegory (in maps) 126
Allen, Joel 160
Alsace-Lorraine 178
Alta California 88
Álvares Cabral, Pedro 14
Álvarez Pineda, Alonzo 21, 24
European discovery of 10
naming of 17
see also United States of America
America First group 206
American Broadcasting Company 226
“American Century” 210
American Guide series 196
American Revolution 65, 80, 90, 106, 113
see also Revolutionary War
American River 136
American Temperance Society 126
amusement parks 226

Anacostia River 106
Anaheim 226
Anián, Strait of 29
Anniston, Alabama 230
anti-communism 224–5, 238
see also communism
Apaches 134
Appalachia, mining in 154
Appalachians 68, 120, 150, 154
Appleton’s Magazine 175
Applied Population Laboratory, “Meatpacking
and Hispanic Population Percent Change
1990-2000: Midwest Counties” 252–3, 253
Argentina 30
Arizona 8
Arkansas 124, 130, 142
Armour, Philip 185
Armour and Company 252
Bureau of Agricultural Research and Eco-
nomics 185
Army Map Service 205
Army of the Tennessee 8
“Around the World in California in 4 Days”
194, 194–5
Arrowsmith, Aaron, New and Elegant General
Atlas 113
Arthur, King 30
Articles of Confederation 98–9, 100, 106
Asia 10, 11, 12, 15, 17
Asia, Southeast, communist movement in 225
“Asiento” 74
Atchison, David 133
Atlanta 250
Atlanta Campaign 147
Atlantic Charter 204, 205, 210, 210–11
Atlantic Ocean 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 29, 30, 41, 45,
46, 139, 206, 232
seabed 242
“Atlantic Ocean Floor” 242, 243
Audubon, John James, Birds of America 76
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp 216
Austin, Moses 124
Austin, Texas 250
Austria 204, 216–17
Imperial Army 92
US ties with 180
autobahns 229
automobile industry 176–7, 196, 196–7, 229
self-driving cars (autonomous vehicles)
258–9, 259
aviation 176, 204, 205, 206, 220–1, 232
Aztecs 10, 11, 21
Bache, Alexander Dallas 142
Background map of the Freedom Rides 230,
bacteriology 183
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de 172
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 159
banks 201
Banneker, Benjamin 106
Barstow 194
Basel, University of 24
Bauman, Sebastian 65, 92
Plan of the investment of York and Gloucester
92, 92–3
Bay of Pigs invasion 234
Beecher, Catherine 118
Behaim, Martin 13
Belgians 52
Belgium 178, 213
Bell Laboratories 242
Benin 50
Benton, Jessie 132
Benton, Thomas Hart 132–3
Berann, Heinrich 9, 232
and National Geographic Society, “Atlantic
Ocean Floor” 242, 243
Bering Strait 29
Berlin 206, 213

blockade 223
Bienville, Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de 66
Big Horn River 115
Bill of Rights 98
Birmingham, Alabama 230
Bishop, California 186
bison, American (buffalo), destruction of 151,
160, 185
blind students, maps for 128, 129
Blue Licks, Battle of 102
Blue Ridge Mountains 102
Bluestone River 154
Board of Water Commissioners, Los Angeles
bomb, atomic 223
Boone, Daniel 102
Booth, Charles 9, 151
Boston 65, 90–1, 105, 120, 124–5, 154, 246
Commonwealth Pier 182
Massacre 90
Siege of 65, 91, 92
Tea Party 90
Boston Line Type 128
Braddock, Edward 87
Bradley, Abraham, “A Map of the United States,
exhibiting the Post-Roads ...” 99, 108,
108–9, 110–11
Braille 128
Bratislava 217
Brazil 14, 21, 24
Briggs, Henry 60, 99
“The North Part of America” 44–5, 45, 46
Britain, British 8, 88
Army 178
and border negotiations 134, 136
claims in North America 84, 94
colonization by 11, 65
deterioration of relations with USA 122
explorers 113
industrial output 152
investment in colonies 77
Royal Navy 92, 122
in Seven Years’ War 77, 84, 90
US ties with 180
and War of 1812 116
in World War I 176, 178–9, 204
see also England, English
British Board of Trade and Plantations 80
Brown v. Board of Education 205, 230
Buchenwald concentration camp 213
Buell, Abel, “A New and Correct Map of the
United States of North America” 98, 100,
buffalo see bison
Buffalo, NY 121
Bulge, Battle of the 213
Bunker Hill, Battle of 91
Bureau of Indian Affairs 163
Bureau of Public Roads 199
Bureau of Reclamation 186
Burma 238
Burnet, William 79
Cabot, John 14, 30, 68
Cabot, Sebastian 30
Calhoun, John 108
acquired by US 134
agriculture in 163
Chinese in 164
declares independence from Mexico 134
depicted as island 45, 60
and Disneyland 205
film industry 177, 179, 192, 194, 194–5
first map to name 30
food production 185
as free state 136
gold fields 124, 132, 136, 172
landscapes of 194, 199
migration out of 232, 250

migration to 132–3, 250
as nation’s largest state 205
political representation 250
population 250
schools 180
Spanish 122
water management 186–7
see also Southern California
calligraphy 118
Calloway, Cab 190
Cambodia 232, 241
Cambridge, MA 90
Camp Funston 182
Campbell, E. Simms, “A Night-Club Map
of Harlem” 190, 190–1
Canada 30, 84, 113, 122, 217
“Canada Nuovo” 62
canals 10, 99, 120–1, 139, 163, 188
see also Erie Canal; Panama Canal
Canary Islands 10
Cane Ridge 102
Cape Ann 43
Cape Coast 74
Cape Cod 35, 46
Cape of Good Hope 12
capitalism 150, 152-3, 166, 205, 223
Capone, Al 188
Caribbean 10, 12, 17, 24, 35, 151, 170, 234
Carnegie, Andrew 170
Carolinas 68, 130, 230
see also North Carolina; South Carolina
Carpenter, Samuel Bicknell 142
First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation
of President Lincoln 144, 144–5
carpet production 252
carpetbaggers 148
Casa de Contratación 30
Casper, Wyoming 133
Castro, Fidel 234
Catawba Indians 72
Caterpillar Corporation, “A Progress Report on
the Interstate Highway System” 228–9, 229
Catesby, Mark
“A Map of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama
Islands” 64, 76–7, 76–7
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the
Bahama Islands 76
Catholicism 34, 52, 76, 88, 134, 139, 156
Census Office (US) 8, 9, 147, 163
and redistricting 254
“Regional Migration, 1955 to 1960” and
“Regional Migration, 1995 to 2000” 250, 251
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 246
Central America 11
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 225, 234
Central Novelty toy company 173
Central Pacific railroad 158, 164
Champlain, Lake 128
Champlain, Samuel de 45, 60
“Le Canada” 34, 46, 46–7, 48–9
Charles II, King 52, 56
Charles, Prince (later King Charles I) 43
Charles V, King 21
Charles River 43, 90, 91
Charles Town (Charlestown) 72, 91
Charlesfort 30
Charleston 68, 74, 92
Charlotte, NC 250
Chartres 213
Cherne, Leo 225
Cherokees 8, 64, 68, 72, 77, 79, 130
Chesapeake 34, 43, 50, 64, 80, 92
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 154
Chesapeake Bay 41, 45
Chicago 138, 140, 150, 192, 220, 241
Art Institute of Chicago 190
as “Chekagou” 62
ethnic enclaves 188
gangland 188, 189
and highways 229
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