A History of America in 100 Maps

(Axel Boer) #1

Quakers 56
Quebec 34, 35, 46, 79
quicksilver (mercury) mines 136

“R. des Prairies ou des Algonquins” 46
racial conflict 199, 205
railroads 120–1, 139, 140, 142, 150, 151, 153,
154, 158–9, 158–9, 164, 173, 183, 205, 220,
Raleigh, Sir Walter 30, 34
Rand McNally 151, 202
Map of US Acquisitions 170, 170–1
Rappahannock River 80
Reconstruction 125, 148, 150, 156, 175
“red and blue” America 150, 156–7, 156–7, 250
Redistricting 116, 254
Reed, Walter 183
reform 9, 124, 126, 128, 148, 150, 166, 168,
175, 188
refrigeration 176, 185
Republican Party 9, 116, 122, 125, 140–1, 148,
156–7, 224, 232
and railroads 150
and redistricting 254
in the South 148
Research Institute of America 225
“How Communists Menace Vital Materials”
224–5, 224–5
Revere, Paul 90
Revolutionary War 9, 65, 80, 84, 87, 91, 92, 97,
98, 100, 102, 105, 106, 130
Rhine, River 213
Rhineland 17
Rhode Island 105
rice plantations and trade 64, 72, 74
Richmond, Virginia 38, 144
Rio Grande 29, 89, 115, 134
road travel 196, 196–7, 229
Roanoke Island 25, 30, 34, 38, 43, 154
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de
Vimeur, comte de 92
Rocky Mountains 89, 114, 115, 122, 199
Roer River 213
Rogers, William Barton 152
Rolfe, John 35
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 2–3
and Chicago meatpacking industry 185
death 223
and fight against Communism 223, 224
and Great Depression 201, 202
on growth of fascism 204
and highway system 199
and housing 201
inauguration 177
legislation under 177
Lend-Lease program 208, 210
meeting with Churchill 204, 208, 210
see also New Deal
Roosevelt, Theodore 160, 170, 185
Ross, John 130
Rosselli, Francesco 13
see also Contarini, Giovanni
Route 40 199, 229
Route 66 199, 229
Royal African Company 64, 74
Ruggles, Samuel 128
Ruhr Pocket 213
Rumsey, David 76
Rushmore, Mount 199
Russia 88, 113, 170
Russian Jews 180
see also Soviet Union
Ryman, Herb, bird’s-eye view of Disneyland
(with inset park plan by Marvin Davis) 226,

Sacramento River 136
St. Augustine fort 34, 76
St. Denis, Louis Juchereau de 66
St. James Bay 46

Saint Lawrence, Gulf of 64
Saint Lawrence River 34, 79
Saint Lawrence Seaway 34, 45, 46, 60, 94, 105
St. Louis 114, 130, 138
labor opportunities in 176
St. Paul 192, 229
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre 188
Salt Lake 88
Salton Sea 194
San Cristóbal 234
San Fernando Valley 187
San Francisco 113, 125, 136
and aviation 220
Bay 136
Board of Supervisors 9
Chinatown 9, 150, 164, 165
and highways 229
migration to 134, 164
naval base 182
political leaders in 150
San Joaquin 136
San Juan Hill 170
San Juan River 88, 89
San Julián 234
San Salvador 11
Sanborn insurance maps 164
Sanitary Commission 142
sanitation 183, 185
Santa Fe 8, 34, 35, 45, 88
Sarajevo 256
Savage, Edward, portrait of George
Washington and family 6–7, 98, 106
Savannah 92, 147
Scandinavia 52
Schuylkill River 56, 168
Scopes Trial 177
Scotland 122, 242
secession from Union 125, 142, 144
Second Continental Artillery Regiment 92
Second Continental Congress 91
Second Great Awakening 102
Sedition Act (1918) 180
Seminole Indians 130
Senate 173
Seneca Falls Convention 175
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (G.I. Bill) 205
Seven Years’ War (1763) 77
Seville 21
Seward, William 170
sharecroppers 250
Shawnee Indians 102
Shelton, Hal, “Denver-Chicago” 220–1, 220–1
Sherman, General William 8, 125, 147
Shiloh, Battle of 163
Sierra Nevada 124, 136, 164, 177, 220
Silicon Valley 258
Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle 185
Sioux Indians 160
Six Nations 84, 97
slave trade, slavery
abolition movement 124, 125, 139
distribution of 8, 125, 142, 143
Dutch and English in 35, 50, 52, 76–7
forced sale and migration of slaves 124
in Georgia 147
and immigrant labor 139
Lincoln and 125, 144
and notions of “freedom” 65
opposition to and abolition movement 124,
125, 139, 140–1
outlawed in Louisiana Territory 140
outlawed in Mexico 134
and plan of Reconstruction 148
and plantations 218
Polk and 136
Postlethwayt’s support of British control of
9, 64, 74, 250
and secession 142
slave population in North America 64
slave states 122, 125, 134, 157

slaveholders’ rights and interests 136, 141
in South Carolina 77
and Stono Rebellion 76–7
and textile industry in Northeast 99
in Virginia 35, 41, 50, 65, 80, 152
visualizations of 140–1, 142–3
westward expansion 175
see also African Americans
smallpox 91
Smith, Al 190
Smith, Francis 90–1
Smith, John 34, 35, 41, 43, 99
“New England” 42–3, 43
“Virginia” 40–1, 41, 46, 250
Smith, William 64
Smith Act 223
Smithsonian Institution 160
Snake River 114
Socialist Party 180
sociology, social reform 168, 175
urban 188
Somme, Battle of the 178
sonar technology 242
Soulard, Antoine Pierre 113
South America 11, 206
South Carolina 8, 21, 30, 64, 76–7
secession from Union 142
South Dakota 160
South Pass 133
Southern California
and defense industry 177, 232, 233
and Disneyland 205
and film industry 192, 194
growth and influence 187
migration to 250
and water supply 186–7
Southern Rockies 8, 88
Soviet Union 204, 205, 208, 223
Army 213, 217
and communism 224–5
and Cuban missile crisis 234–6
launches Sputnik 244
missiles 232
in World War II 216–17
space program see NASA
Spain, Spanish 12, 17, 21, 26, 29, 30, 34, 64, 68,
76, 113, 122, 134
colonization by 8, 10, 11, 88–9
and Cuba 170
introduction of horses to Great Plains 160
Spanish flu 176
Spanish—American War 170, 234
speakeasies 126, 190
Spice Islands 25
Springfield 54
Sputnik 232, 244
Stalin, Joseph 204, 223, 225
Stanford University 241
Starr, Ellen Gates 166
State Department 238
Steamboat Willie 226
steamboats 226
steamships 152, 183, 210
steel production 152, 153, 194
Steinberg, Saul, “View of the World from
9th Avenue” 192
Stevenson, Adlai 236
“Stoney Mountains” 113
Stono Rebellion 76–7
by rail workers 150, 159
by students 241
Stutthof 216
Stuyvesant, Peter 52, 53
submarine warfare 180, 2442
submarines, nuclear 242
black male 175
women’s 151, 174, 175
suffragists 151, 175

sugar trade 35, 50, 74, 124, 147
Sumner, William Graham 166
Sumter, Fort 125, 142
“Sunbelt” (as term) 250
“sundown towns” 199
Superior, Lake 118, 158
Supreme Court 116, 128, 141, 205, 230
and gerrymandering 254
and voting rights 254
Sutter, John 136
Swanee River 192
Swift & Company 252
Switzerland 178
Tahoe, Lake 194
Taíno people 11
Tazewell County, WV 154
technology 232
communication 176
computer 233, 254
digital 246, 248, 256, 258–9
imaging 13
sonar 242
telegraph 150
telephone cables, transatlantic 242
television 194, 205
temperance movement 9, 125, 126, 128, 156
Tennessee 99, 130, 157, 233, 246
Tennessee Valley Authority 177, 202, 218
Tenochtitlan 11, 21, 24
Terezín concentration camp 216
terrorist attacks (September 11, 2001) 233, 256
Tet Offensive 241, 244
Texas 89, 116, 124, 130, 185, 192, 232
annexation of 124, 132, 134
German settlers in 139
meat industry in 252
relations between Mexicans and American
settlers 134
textile industry 99, 124
Thailand 238
Tharp, Marie 232, 242
theme parks 226
Thrasher, Frederic M., “Chicago’s Gangland”
188, 189
Tiguex War 29
Time & Tide 210
Time magazine 241
time zones 150
Timpanogos, Lake 89
Tindall, Robarte 34, 36–8, 41
a colored chart of the entrance of Chesa-
peake Bay 36, 36–7, 38–9
Tisdale, Elkanah 116
tobacco trade 35, 41, 43, 50, 64, 74
in Virginia 80
cultivation 202
Tokyo 206
Tonkin, Gulf of 238
Tordesillas, Treaty of 30
Toscanelli, Paolo 13
tourism 190, 196, 199, 226
Trail of Tears 130
trans-Allegheny West 64, 65, 79, 86
trans-Appalachian West 102
trans-Mississippi West 97, 160
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
transportation 99, 108, 120–1, 139, 150, 176,
and civil defense 229
and flu pandemic 183
and food production 185
“Travel Guide of Negro Hotels and Guest
Houses” 199
trench warfare 178–9, 178–9
Truckee 194
Truman, Harry 223, 224, 238
trust-busting regulations 252
Turkey 223, 234, 236
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