How to Read Literature Like a Professor

(Axel Boer) #1

Cantos (Pound), 83 ,110 ,233 -34

Carmen (opera), 39

Carroll, Lewis, 30 ,32 ,34 ,59 ,63

Carter, Angela, 6 ,35 -36,39 -40,60 ,63 ,128 -29,149 -50,244

Carver, Raymond, 9 -11

The Cat in the Hat (Seuss), 59

“Cathedral” (Carver), 10 -11

Chandler, Raymond, 180 ,186

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 51 ,235

Chekhov, Anton, 89

Chesterton, G. K., 238 -39,240

A Child’s Garden of Verses (Stevenson), 188

Chopin, Frédéric, 218

Christ figure, 117 -24,127 ,182 ,238 ,239 ,242 -44

Christian tradition, 117 -24,127 ,133 ,183 ,191

Christie, Agatha, 39

A Christmas Carol (Dickens), 17 ,33 ,108 -9

“Cinderella” (fairy tale), 63

The Cisco Kid (film), 190

Clea (Durrell), 147

Cleese, John, 37

Clemens, Sam. See Twain, Mark

A Clockwork Orange (Burgess), 147 -48,242 -44

Coen, Joel and Ethan, 71

communion, acts of, 7 -14

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (Twain), 189

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