Artists Magazine - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1 45

planstomakea garden.Theidea
gradually seeped into her thoughts,
though, and soon became a major
effort (see JoAnne Carson’s garden,
opposite bottom). “I bought 40 books
on gardening,” she says. “I got a
wheelbarrow and a shovel. I had no
idea dirt was so heavy.” Carson is
acutely aware of the underlying fickle-
ness and inherent danger in nature,
more so now as the importance of cli-
mate change becomes known. Her
terraced garden occupies a slope that
can be viewed from inside her house.
The garden shows the work of the
human hand, with topiaries leading
the eye from one point to another—
certainly more controlled than Carson’s
exuberant sculptures of fantastical
trees (see Puppet’s Revenge, left) and
painted gardens teetering on the
brink of creative madness (see Wishful
Thinking, bottom). Using metal leaf,
thermoplastic, epoxy clay and copper
tubing, Carson makes no attempt to
mimic nature. Rather, she transforms
the very idea of nature’s “benign”
beauty into huge bouquets that fairly
scream “artificial” and landscapes
exploding with color to the point of
delirium. Carson’s work is both con-
frontational and powerfully seductive.


Clearly, nature calls to the artist deep
within us. The aforementioned Dr.
Sacks also pointed out that biophilia,
the love of nature and living things, is
an essential part of the human condi-
tion. Artists of all stripes have turned
to their gardens, seeking solace from
humanity’s contradictory penchant
for self-destruction. It’s the work of
these artists that reminds us of our
attachment to the earth, inspiring us

Cynthia Close (, of
Burlington, Vt., earned an MFA from
Boston University and worked in various
art-related roles before becoming a writer
and editor.

Puppet’s Revenge
by JoAnne Carson
thermoplastic, aqua resin and metal leaf, 106x96

Wishful Thinking
by JoAnne Carson
acrylic on canvas, 39x48

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