Artists Magazine - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

70 Artists Magazine April 2020

but helping with an algebra problem
or driving to an accordion lesson is
also important. The son of an artist,
however, knows when not to intrude,
and MacGillis smiles as she recalls
times when she has sensed him in the
doorway and, later, realized that he
chose not to interrupt.
As every artist knows, not every-
one is so understanding, and so
MacGillis provides clear boundaries
with friends and others. She must
defend her painting time in order to
produce the work shown by Hoadley
Gallery, in Lenox, Mass.; Blue Heron
Gallery in Wellfleet, Mass.; and
Galerie Andreas Lendl, in Graz,
Austria. Every summer she has exhi-
bitions in those places, and most
summers she returns to the United
States to connect with the galleries
and teach workshops on using earth
pigments. She also exhibits her work
in Italy, including a 2018 show at the
U.S. Embassy in Rome.
On the mornings when she has
less impetus to jump into painting,
warming the glue to create gesso is
a simple, absorbing task that keeps
her committed to her studio time.
Likewise, grinding pigments or mix-
ing each powder with oil to create
her palette helps calm her mind. The
smooth movements of scraping the
powders into the oil with a favorite
palette knife (No. 1710, from Zecchi,
of course) leads to reflections on the
practice of painting.

MacGillis paints her landscapes on site. “I feel that my presence in the landsape
is fundamental to the painting,” she says. “The heat, the quiet or the sound of
wind or waves, all contribute to my work. In other words, my interpretation of
the landscape isn’t just visual but something that involves all the senses.”

March 13–15: Painting the Still Life With the Italian Earth Palette; Kunstfabrik
Wien, Vienna, Austria
June 4–14: Painting the Landscape With the Italian Earth Palette; Umbria, Italy
July 7–9: Painting the Still Life With the Italian Earth Palette; Concord Art
Association, Mass.
July 11–12: Figure Painting With the Italian Earth Palette; IS183 Art School,
Stockbridge, Mass.
July 19–21: Figure Painting With the Italian Earth Palette; Black Pond Studio,
Rehoboth, Mass.
Sept. 11–20: Painting the Landscape With the Italian Earth Palette; Umbria, Italy

MacGillis’ studio

The view outside
MacGillis’ studio

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