Artists Magazine - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

80 Artists Magazine April 2020

Lesley Humphrey
Magnolia, Texas

The Long Lead Line
watercolor, watercolor crayons, gesso and pencil on paper; 14x11

“My friend Dorthe’s daughter was leaving for college.
Using a photograph from years ago of a child’s fi rst pony
ride, I knew I could wind those complicated feelings
of love and nostalgia within a watercolor. As I worked,
I explored questions like, ‘What color is love?’ ‘Will your
child always follow you?’ ‘Will she want to come home?’
Some were answered in the abstraction.”

Jon Bøe Paulsen
Oslo, Norway

The Guests Arrive
oil on canvas, 29¹⁄₅x45⅓

“I’ve always wanted to be
perceived as a storyteller. In The
Guests Arrive, the hostess waits
with excitement for her carnival
guests. Half masks will only
partially hide their real egos.
Oscar Wilde said, “Man is least
himself when he talks in his own
person. Give him a mask, and he
will tell you the truth.’$”
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