Beginner's Guide to Quilting - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1









No-waste Method
This clever piecing technique produces
Flying Geese units without leaving you
with masses of triangle scraps for your
stash. Follow these simple steps to get to
grips with the no-waste method, which
makes four Flying Geese units at a time.
Use a rotary cutter and quilter’s ruler for
quick results!

A note on fabric sizes
Here, the finished Flying Geese will
measure 2½in x 5in (height x width).
Size of solid rectangle:
(width + 1¼in) x (width + 1¼in) =
(5in + 1¼in) x (5in + 1¼in) = 6¼in square.
Size of print fabric squares:
(height +^78 in) x (height +^78 in) =
(2½in +^78 in) x (2½in +^78 in) = 3^38 in square.

No-waste method
Cut one 6¼in solid square and four 3^38 in
print squares. Using an erasable marker or
pencil, mark a diagonal line across the
wrong side of all the print squares.

Pin one print square in the
bottom right-hand corner
of the solid square and one in
the top left-hand corner.

Using a sewing machine, sew ¼in
either side of the marked line.

Cut the square in half diagonally along
the marked line.

Open the unit and press. Pin the
remaining print squares on each unit.

Again, sew ¼in on either side of the
marked line.

Cut apart along the marked line.

Press the print pieces away from the
solid and trim off the excess fabric.

Check that the four finished units all
measure 2½in x 5in.
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