Beginner's Guide to Quilting - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

Now build on the Half-square Triangle for clever patchwork effects



Once you’ve had fun making the
Half-square Triangle block it’s time to
meet its sister shape, the Quarter-
square Triangle – a block containing
not one but four smaller units. Snip and
sew a few Half-square Triangle units,
using our guide below, to magic up a

whole set of smaller triangles. These then
come together to make neat little blocks.
Whip up a batch, join them together in
any number of combinations and hey
presto! You’ve created a patchwork quilt
top with an intricate-looking pattern
that’s actually remarkably simple to make.

To make two 2in finished Quarter-square
Triangle units you’ll need two 3½in
squares of different fabrics. For any other
size of Quarter-square Triangle unit, your
squares simply need to be 1½in bigger
than you want your finished piece to be.
This is to allow for your seams.

Place two contrasting squares right sides
together and mark a diagonal line from
corner to corner. Sew /in either side of
the line. Cut apart, down the marked line.

Open the units out and press. You will
now have two identical Half-square
Triangle units. Trim the two units to
your desired size.

STEP three
Mark a line on the reverse of one HST, on
the opposite diagonal to the seam. Place
RST, with opposite fabrics facing, and sew
/in either side of the line.

Cut down the marked line through both
layers. Open the units out and press.
Keeping the diagonal lines centred, trim
to your desired size.
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