Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

point. If the differential operator is isotropic then the Green’s functions depend only
on the radial distance from the corresponding data point. Due to the presence of the
regularizer, the solution no longer interpolates the training data exactly.
Another motivation for radial basis functions comes from a consideration of
the interpolation problem when the input (rather than the target) variables are noisy
(Webb, 1994; Bishop, 1995a). If the noise on the input variablexis described
by a variableξhaving a distributionν(ξ), then the sum-of-squares error function






{y(xn+ξ)−tn}^2 ν(ξ)dξ. (6.39)

Appendix D Using the calculus of variations, we can optimize with respect to the functionf(x)

Exercise 6.17 to give




tnh(x−xn) (6.40)

where the basis functions are given by





. (6.41)

We see that there is one basis function centred on every data point. This is known as
theNadaraya-Watsonmodel and will be derived again from a different perspective
in Section 6.3.1. If the noise distributionν(ξ)is isotropic, so that it is a function
only of‖ξ‖, then the basis functions will be radial.
Note that the basis functions (6.41) are normalized, so that

for any value ofx. The effect of such normalization is shown in Figure 6.2. Normal-
ization is sometimes used in practice as it avoids having regions of input space where
all of the basis functions take small values, which would necessarily lead to predic-
tions in such regions that are either small or controlled purely by the bias parameter.

Another situation in which expansions in normalized radial basis functions arise
is in the application of kernel density estimation to the problem of regression, as we
shall discuss in Section 6.3.1.
Because there is one basis function associated with every data point, the corre-
sponding model can be computationally costly to evaluate when making predictions
for new data points. Models have therefore been proposed (Broomhead and Lowe,
1988; Moody and Darken, 1989; Poggio and Girosi, 1990), which retain the expan-
sion in radial basis functions but where the numberMof basis functions is smaller
than the numberNof data points. Typically, the number of basis functions, and the
locationsμiof their centres, are determined based on the input data{xn}alone. The
basis functions are then kept fixed and the coefficients{wi}are determined by least
squares by solving the usual set of linear equations, as discussed in Section 3.1.1.
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