Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

Figure 8.2 Example of a directed acyclic graph describing the joint
distribution over variablesx 1 ,...,x 7. The corresponding
decomposition of the joint distribution is given by (8.4).

x 1
x 2 x 3

x 4 x 5

x 6 x 7

is therefore given by

p(x 1 )p(x 2 )p(x 3 )p(x 4 |x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 )p(x 5 |x 1 ,x 3 )p(x 6 |x 4 )p(x 7 |x 4 ,x 5 ). (8.4)

The reader should take a moment to study carefully the correspondence between
(8.4) and Figure 8.2.
We can now state in general terms the relationship between a given directed
graph and the corresponding distribution over the variables. The joint distribution
defined by a graph is given by the product, over all of the nodes of the graph, of
a conditional distribution for each node conditioned on the variables corresponding
to the parents of that node in the graph. Thus, for a graph withKnodes, the joint
distribution is given by




p(xk|pak) (8.5)

wherepakdenotes the set of parents ofxk, andx = {x 1 ,...,xK}. This key
equation expresses thefactorizationproperties of the joint distribution for a directed
graphical model. Although we have considered each node to correspond to a single
variable, we can equally well associate sets of variables and vector-valued variables
with the nodes of a graph. It is easy to show that the representation on the right-
hand side of (8.5) is always correctly normalized provided the individual conditional
Exercise 8.1 distributions are normalized.
The directed graphs that we are considering are subject to an important restric-
tion namely that there must be nodirected cycles, in other words there are no closed
paths within the graph such that we can move from node to node along links follow-
ing the direction of the arrows and end up back at the starting node. Such graphs are
Exercise 8.2 also calleddirected acyclic graphs,orDAGs. This is equivalent to the statement that
there exists an ordering of the nodes such that there are no links that go from any
node to any lower numbered node.

8.1.1 Example: Polynomial regression

As an illustration of the use of directed graphs to describe probability distri-
butions, we consider the Bayesian polynomial regression model introduced in Sec-
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