Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

We can readily extend the linear-Gaussian graphical model to the case in which
the nodes of the graph represent multivariate Gaussian variables. In this case, we can
write the conditional distribution for nodeiin the form



∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣



⎠ (8.19)

where nowWijis a matrix (which is nonsquare ifxiandxjhave different dimen-
sionalities). Again it is easy to verify that the joint distribution over all variables is
Note that we have already encountered a specific example of the linear-Gaussian
Section 2.3.6 relationship when we saw that the conjugate prior for the meanμof a Gaussian
variablexis itself a Gaussian distribution overμ. The joint distribution overxand
μis therefore Gaussian. This corresponds to a simple two-node graph in which
the node representingμis the parent of the node representingx. The mean of the
distribution overμis a parameter controlling a prior, and so it can be viewed as a
hyperparameter. Because the value of this hyperparameter may itself be unknown,
we can again treat it from a Bayesian perspective by introducing a prior over the
hyperparameter, sometimes called ahyperprior, which is again given by a Gaussian
distribution. This type of construction can be extended in principle to any level and is
an illustration of ahierarchical Bayesian model, of which we shall encounter further
examples in later chapters.

8.2 Conditional Independence

An important concept for probability distributions over multiple variables is that of
conditional independence(Dawid, 1980). Consider three variablesa,b, andc, and
suppose that the conditional distribution ofa,givenbandc, is such that it does not
depend on the value ofb, so that

p(a|b, c)=p(a|c). (8.20)

We say thatais conditionally independent ofbgivenc. This can be expressed in a
slightly different way if we consider the joint distribution ofaandbconditioned on
c, which we can write in the form

p(a, b|c)=p(a|b, c)p(b|c)
= p(a|c)p(b|c). (8.21)

where we have used the product rule of probability together with (8.20). Thus we
see that, conditioned onc, the joint distribution ofaandbfactorizes into the prod-
uct of the marginal distribution ofaand the marginal distribution ofb(again both
conditioned onc). This says that the variablesaandbare statistically independent,
givenc. Note that our definition of conditional independence will require that (8.20),
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