Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
10.4. Exponential Family Distributions 491

distribution that factorizes between the latent variables and the parameters, so that
q(Z,η)=q(Z)q(η). Using the general result (10.9), we can solve for the two
factors as follows






+const. (10.115)

Thus we see that this decomposes into a sum of independent terms, one for each
value of∏ n, and hence the solution forq(Z)will factorize overnso thatq(Z)=

Section 10.2.5 n). This is an example of an induced factorization. Taking the exponential
of both sides, we have

q(zn)=h(xn,zn)g(E[η]) exp



where the normalization coefficient has been re-instated by comparison with the
standard form for the exponential family.
Similarly, for the variational distribution over the parameters, we have

lnq(η)=lnp(η|ν 0 ,χ 0 )+EZ[lnp(X,Z|η)]+const (10.117)

= ν 0 lng(η)+ηTχ 0 +




+const. (10.118)

Again, taking the exponential of both sides, and re-instating the normalization coef-
ficient by inspection, we have




where we have defined

νN = ν 0 +N (10.120)

χN = χ 0 +



Ezn[u(xn,zn)]. (10.121)

Note that the solutions forq(zn)andq(η)are coupled, and so we solve them iter-
atively in a two-stage procedure. In the variational E step, we evaluate the expected
sufficient statisticsE[u(xn,zn)]using the current posterior distributionq(zn)over
the latent variables and use this to compute a revised posterior distributionq(η)over
the parameters. Then in the subsequent variational M step, we use this revised pa-
rameter posterior distribution to find the expected natural parametersE[ηT], which
gives rise to a revised variational distribution over the latent variables.

10.4.1 Variational message passing

We have illustrated the application of variational methods by considering a spe-
cific model, the Bayesian mixture of Gaussians, in some detail. This model can be
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