Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

exponentially with the length of the chain. In fact, the summation in (13.11) cor-
responds to summing over exponentially many paths through the lattice diagram in
Figure 13.7.
We have already encountered a similar difficulty when we considered the infer-
ence problem for the simple chain of variables in Figure 8.32. There we were able
to make use of the conditional independence properties of the graph to re-order the
summations in order to obtain an algorithm whose cost scales linearly, instead of
exponentially, with the length of the chain. We shall apply a similar technique to the
hidden Markov model.
A further difficulty with the expression (13.11) for the likelihood function is that,
because it corresponds to a generalization of a mixture distribution, it represents a
summation over the emission models for different settings of the latent variables.
Direct maximization of the likelihood function will therefore lead to complex ex-
Section 9.2 pressions with no closed-form solutions, as was the case for simple mixture models
(recall that a mixture model for i.i.d. data is a special case of the HMM).
We therefore turn to the expectation maximization algorithm to find an efficient
framework for maximizing the likelihood function in hidden Markov models. The
EM algorithm starts with some initial selection for the model parameters, which we
denote byθold. In the E step, we take these parameter values and find the posterior
distribution of the latent variablesp(Z|X,θold). We then use this posterior distri-
bution to evaluate the expectation of the logarithm of the complete-data likelihood
function, as a function of the parametersθ, to give the functionQ(θ,θold)defined


p(Z|X,θold)lnp(X,Z|θ). (13.12)

At this point, it is convenient to introduce some notation. We shall useγ(zn)to
denote the marginal posterior distribution of a latent variablezn, andξ(zn− 1 ,zn)to
denote the joint posterior distribution of two successive latent variables, so that

γ(zn)=p(zn|X,θold) (13.13)
ξ(zn− 1 ,zn)=p(zn− 1 ,zn|X,θold). (13.14)

For each value ofn, we can storeγ(zn)using a set ofKnonnegative numbers
that sum to unity, and similarly we can storeξ(zn− 1 ,zn)using aK×Kmatrix of
nonnegative numbers that again sum to unity. We shall also useγ(znk)to denote the
conditional probability ofznk=1, with a similar use of notation forξ(zn− 1 ,j,znk)
and for other probabilistic variables introduced later. Because the expectation of a
binary random variable is just the probability that it takes the value 1 ,wehave



γ(z)znk (13.15)

ξ(zn− 1 ,j,znk)=E[zn− 1 ,jznk]=


γ(z)zn− 1 ,jznk. (13.16)

If we substitute the joint distributionp(X,Z|θ)given by (13.10) into (13.12),
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