Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

and then choose the second to be orthogonal to the first (it can be shown that the de-
generate eigenvectors are never linearly dependent). Hence the eigenvectors can be
chosen to be orthogonal, and by normalizing can be set to unit length. Because there
areMeigenvalues, the correspondingMorthogonal eigenvectors form a complete
set and so anyM-dimensional vector can be expressed as a linear combination of
the eigenvectors.
We can take the eigenvectorsuito be the columns of anM×MmatrixU,
which from orthonormality satisfies

UTU=I. (C.37)

Such a matrix is said to beorthogonal. Interestingly, the rows of this matrix are also
orthogonal, so thatUUT=I. To show this, note that (C.37) impliesUTUU−^1 =
U−^1 =UTand soUU−^1 =UUT=I. Using (C.12), it also follows that|U|=1.
The eigenvector equation (C.29) can be expressed in terms ofUin the form

AU=UΛ (C.38)

whereΛis anM×Mdiagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are given by the
If we consider a column vectorxthat is transformed by an orthogonal matrixU
to give a new vector
̃x=Ux (C.39)
then the length of the vector is preserved because

̃xT ̃x=xTUTUx=xTx (C.40)

and similarly the angle between any two such vectors is preserved because

̃xT ̃y=xTUTUy=xTy. (C.41)

Thus, multiplication byUcan be interpreted as a rigid rotation of the coordinate
From (C.38), it follows that

UTAU=Λ (C.42)

and becauseΛis a diagonal matrix, we say that the matrixAisdiagonalizedby the
matrixU. If we left multiply byUand right multiply byUT, we obtain

A=UΛUT (C.43)

Taking the inverse of this equation, and using (C.3) together withU−^1 =UT,we
A−^1 =UΛ−^1 UT. (C.44)
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