Get fit with your i hone
exactlywhatis in eachitem
dueto theextensivedatabase
thatit uses.Everythingfrom
caloriecountto carbsto
sodiumis measuredand
presentedto theuser.
youtoachieveyourgoals.Thisis anotherareawheretheiPhonesucceedswithease.
Change your diet
Lifesumwilltakeyouthrougha series of
questionsaboutthewayyoueat,your habits
andwhatyouareaimingtoachieve with a
newmealplan.Betruthfulif youwant to get
themostoutof theapp.
Everything you need
The plan will include recipes to follow,
digital shopping lists and setups that are
designed to ensure that you are eating
healthily and that you are cutting down your
bad habits.
Commit and commit
You will need to commit to the plan
100% and you can also expect to pay a
subscription. If you can adhere to the
rules it suggests you will be more likely
to succeed.
Youcannotautomaticallytrackyourcalorieintakeonanytracker or smartwatch and this is where the iPhone excels. There are many
appsavailabletohelpyouquicklyandeasilytrackyourconsumption, and to then monitor the trends to see what works best for you.
Track in seconds
You can add foods by scanning
barcodes, selecting from a list
of your commonly consumed
foods or by searching within the
huge database. The process
takes seconds to complete each
time you use it and becomes
very familiar quickly.
the day
As you add new items the app
will calculate the amount you
have consumed so that you
can immediately understand
where you are within your
daily goal. The ‘Under’
marker on the right is the
most useful indicator.
Control your calories
The longer term
The ‘My Day’ tab lets you
view a graph showing how
your consumption changes
over time. You will need to
weigh yourself often to fully
understand how what you
eat and drink affects your
weight over time.