iCreate - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

Get fit with your iPhone

hard-pressedto noticeany
differenceat allin battery
is beingusedornot.Our
adviceis to enableit and
seehowit worksforyou.

Enable the
Go to Settings>Privacy
>Motion & Fitness and
tap the ‘Fitness Tracking’
option at the top to start
your iPhone tracking
your movements in the
background. You will never
notice it in normal daily
use because it works in
the background.

The motion and fitness tracker

The motion and fitness sensor in an iPhone allows you to track your movements and effort with just one tap. The information provided
by the sensor can be used by multiple apps to enable the kind of fitness tracking that allows you to dispense with the need for a fitness
tracker or smartwatch. It’s a hidden gem that adds a lot.

Go the extra mile
For all of the benefits an iPhone can bring
to your fitness levels and general health,
to truly understand how fit you are a
smartwatch or fitness tracker will add a
lot to your regime. For general fitness and
for most apps, even those that work on
mobile trackers, the iPhone is still a must to
understand the data fully.

Knowledge base

Be selective
Installed apps that can use
the sensor will be listed in
the same screen and you
can simply enable those
you want to have access
and disable those that you
would prefer not to see
this data. A simple setup.

Stay considered
You should still take the
time to disable any apps
that you do not need
location data for and if this
is the case for some apps,
it is quite likely that you do
not need them installed in
the first place.
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