2019-03-01 Country Home

(Joyce) #1


THE IDEA Turn wood fruit crates into shadow
boxes for vintage pottery. McCoy pots mingle with
found containers to create garden art on the wall
of a potting shed, porch, or your favorite room.

TIP Stocked with drought-tolerant succulents,
these containers require minimal care while lending
loads of texture. Before watering, check soil
moisture by sinking your finger 1 inch into the soil.
If the soil is moist, don’t water; if it’s dry, water

BLOOMS Pink-blooming lewisia along with
succulent hens-and-chicks and white petunias fill
the containers. When planting succulents, use a
well-draining potting mix. Standard potting soil
won’t drain fast enough for succulents.

THE IDEA Repurpose old garden tools into
botanical art with easy-care succulents. Create
a planting pocket by tightly wrapping wire mesh
around the tool, securing it in the back with florists
wire. Line the pocket with sphagnum moss and
poke more moss through the front of the mesh.

TIP Display in a bright area but avoid full sun.
Water weekly, soaking the plants then allowing
them to dry out completely.

BLOOMS Shop for a mix of succulents, such
as hens-and-chicks, Echeveria, and sedums,
including trailing types such as burro’s tail and
string of pearls.

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