Liverpool FC - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

I’m very excited about it in one way because of the amount of
young girls I see in Liverpool who play. Friends, friend’s daughters,
friend’s nieces. I’ve heard my friend say her niece doesn’t have a team
in school and she wants to start one. There’s a huge groundswell
among younger girls.
It’s also worth recognising all the other women’s teams that exist,
not just the WSL. In the next ten years when all those young girls
are really into it, they’ve been playing it, they’ll maybe be forming
their own teams. There’ll be a huge change in attitudes to women’s

What has been the best thing about making GIRLFANS?
A simple observation turned into something creative, which I hope

now, on relection, is still a way to efect some change. It doesn’t
just have to be a petition, or words, or a campaign – it could be a
simple observation by someone. I’ve never been talked about as a
photographer, but everyone’s got a camera, everyone’s got a phone
and it’s just about having a go.
It’s not about me changing the world with photographs, but actually
more about the people who have contacted me, like the women from
On The Ball. To say, you’ve inspired us, then they go on and create a
They’re the real inluencers – inluencing someone to not buy a
product but go out and do something.

Follow GIRLFANS on Instagram @girlfanszine.
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